How am I feeling with two weeks of this program under my belt?
Amazing. Sore. Stronger.
I needed a comeback more than ever. It's not something I'm ready to talk about here on my blog. Maybe sometime in the near future. For now just know that I was in a pretty low point. I was struggling mentally and physically and when I was accepted into a Test Launch group for this program. I knew this was gonna be a turning point for me.
This program has given me a new spring in my step. I'm tellin ya, there is just something about punch and kicking hair in the morning and boosts your mood. haha
I'm not just physically stronger, but mentally too.
So what have I been eating this week? A TON of food! We were given an extra purple container daily this week. But honestly, I haven't used them. I don't like fruit so I'm lucky to get 1 purple a day in with my frozen banana in my Shakeology or when I have marinara sauce or salsa... Yep that's the extent of my purple containers.
I resisted some really yummy looking desserts this week, pizza AND a burrito. I know right? I' amazed myself! Honestly they only sounded good for a split second. then I would think about how challenging that workout was that morning and that fueled my fire to resist it.
I have not felt deprived AT all! See that top right pic? Yep that's steak, eggs hot sauce with a little mozzarella cheese. Yep that's on my plan, and it was GOOD.
Speaking of Nutrition! Here is a quick vlog I did on my youtube channel this week answering some questions on the nutrition side of this program.
Week 2 Review:
I got a cold virus mid week. Sore throat, runny nose, fever. Both my kids had to too and to say the least, we felt like crud. It really took me digging deep to push play daily and the help of being in the test launch group and my challenge group. Those 2 groups made a HUGE impact on me this week.
I was more tired this week. I'm not sure if it was being sick, or the week 2 "energy tank" that I've heard other test group participant talk about. It passed on Friday/Saturday and I fell like I ended the week with more energy than I started it.
The workouts? Phew they were challenging! But GOOD! MMA Power is intense but man it was fun! There isn't a workout I don't like on this program so far.
Week 2 Progress:
I stepped on the scale on day 15 this morning was was surprised! Despite all this FOOD I get to eat, I have now lost 6 pounds 5.5 inches in 14 days!
More importantly though my anxiety level has gone down SO much. I'm sleeping better, my chronic rib and neck pain has decreased and I'm having fun!
Looking for Tips on how to create a healthy balance over Thanksgiving?
Check out my Vlog on Week 3's Meal Prep and Thanksgiving Survival Tips!
When Thanksgiving is over what's next? Ready to punch some air and get some awesome results before the end of the year?
Join my Core De Force Challenge Group that begins 12/7
Zero Equipment. MMA Style Workouts that will ignited that fire inside you to fight for your health. Don't wait tell Jan 1st. to start on those goals. We'll be ENDING our 30 days just after the New Year. How's that for starting off 2017? Already shedding weight and inches and knocking out goals?
To RSVP and save your spot for our group you can do so here: