Monday, November 21, 2016

Core De Force Week 2 Progress and Review

 How am I feeling with two weeks of this program under my belt?

Amazing. Sore. Stronger.

I needed a comeback more than ever. It's not something I'm ready to talk about here on my blog. Maybe sometime in the near future. For now just know that I was in a pretty low point. I was struggling mentally and physically and when I was accepted into a Test Launch group for this program. I knew this was gonna be a turning point for me.

  This program has given me a new spring in my step. I'm tellin ya, there is just something about punch and kicking hair in the morning and boosts your mood. haha

 I'm not just physically stronger, but mentally too.

So what have I been eating this week? A TON of food! We were given an extra purple container daily this week. But honestly, I haven't used them. I don't like fruit so I'm lucky to get 1 purple a day in with my frozen banana in my Shakeology or when I have marinara sauce or salsa... Yep that's the extent of my purple containers. 

I resisted some really yummy looking desserts this week, pizza AND a burrito. I know right? I' amazed myself! Honestly they only sounded good for a split second. then I would think about how challenging that workout was that morning and that fueled my fire to resist it.

I have not felt deprived AT all! See that top right pic? Yep that's steak, eggs hot sauce with a little mozzarella cheese. Yep that's on my plan, and it was GOOD.

Speaking of Nutrition! Here is a quick vlog I did on my youtube channel this week answering some questions on the nutrition side of this program.

Week 2 Review:

I got a cold virus mid week. Sore throat, runny nose, fever.  Both my kids had to too and to say the least, we felt like crud. It really took me digging deep to push play daily and the help of being in the test launch group and my challenge group. Those 2 groups made a HUGE impact on me this week. 

I was more tired this week. I'm not sure if it was being sick, or the week 2 "energy tank" that I've heard other test group participant talk about. It passed on Friday/Saturday and I fell like I ended the week with more energy than I started it.

The workouts? Phew they were challenging! But GOOD! MMA Power is intense but man it was fun! There isn't a workout I don't like on this program so far. 

Week 2 Progress:

I stepped on the scale on day 15 this morning was was surprised! Despite all this FOOD I get to eat, I have now lost 6 pounds 5.5 inches in 14 days!

More importantly though my anxiety level has gone down SO much. I'm sleeping better, my chronic rib and neck pain has decreased and I'm having fun!

Looking for Tips on how to create a healthy balance over Thanksgiving? 

Check out my Vlog on Week 3's Meal Prep and Thanksgiving Survival Tips!

When Thanksgiving is over what's next? Ready to punch some air and get some awesome results before the end of the year?

 Join my Core De Force Challenge Group that begins 12/7

Zero Equipment. MMA Style Workouts that will ignited that fire inside you to fight for your health. Don't wait tell Jan 1st. to start on those goals. We'll be ENDING our 30 days just after the New Year. How's that for starting off 2017? Already shedding weight and inches and knocking out goals?

To RSVP and save your spot for our group you can do so here:

There are tons of Wufoo features to help make your forms awesome.

Have a blessed day!

Core De Force Week 2 Progress and Review

 How am I feeling with two weeks of this program under my belt?

Amazing. Sore. Stronger.

I needed a comeback more than ever. It's not something I'm ready to talk about here on my blog. Maybe sometime in the near future. For now just know that I was in a pretty low point. I was struggling mentally and physically and when I was accepted into a Test Launch group for this program. I knew this was gonna be a turning point for me.

  This program has given me a new spring in my step. I'm tellin ya, there is just something about punch and kicking hair in the morning and boosts your mood. haha

 I'm not just physically stronger, but mentally too.

So what have I been eating this week? A TON of food! We were given an extra purple container daily this week. But honestly, I haven't used them. I don't like fruit so I'm lucky to get 1 purple a day in with my frozen banana in my Shakeology or when I have marinara sauce or salsa... Yep that's the extent of my purple containers. 

I resisted some really yummy looking desserts this week, pizza AND a burrito. I know right? I' amazed myself! Honestly they only sounded good for a split second. then I would think about how challenging that workout was that morning and that fueled my fire to resist it.

I have not felt deprived AT all! See that top right pic? Yep that's steak, eggs hot sauce with a little mozzarella cheese. Yep that's on my plan, and it was GOOD.

Speaking of Nutrition! Here is a quick vlog I did on my youtube channel this week answering some questions on the nutrition side of this program.

Week 2 Review:

I got a cold virus mid week. Sore throat, runny nose, fever.  Both my kids had to too and to say the least, we felt like crud. It really took me digging deep to push play daily and the help of being in the test launch group and my challenge group. Those 2 groups made a HUGE impact on me this week. 

I was more tired this week. I'm not sure if it was being sick, or the week 2 "energy tank" that I've heard other test group participant talk about. It passed on Friday/Saturday and I fell like I ended the week with more energy than I started it.

The workouts? Phew they were challenging! But GOOD! MMA Power is intense but man it was fun! There isn't a workout I don't like on this program so far. 

Week 2 Progress:

I stepped on the scale on day 15 this morning was was surprised! Despite all this FOOD I get to eat, I have now lost 6 pounds 5.5 inches in 14 days!

More importantly though my anxiety level has gone down SO much. I'm sleeping better, my chronic rib and neck pain has decreased and I'm having fun!

Looking for Tips on how to create a healthy balance over Thanksgiving? 

Check out my Vlog on Week 3's Meal Prep and Thanksgiving Survival Tips!

When Thanksgiving is over what's next? Ready to punch some air and get some awesome results before the end of the year?

 Join my Core De Force Challenge Group that begins 12/7

Zero Equipment. MMA Style Workouts that will ignited that fire inside you to fight for your health. Don't wait tell Jan 1st. to start on those goals. We'll be ENDING our 30 days just after the New Year. How's that for starting off 2017? Already shedding weight and inches and knocking out goals?

To RSVP and save your spot for our group you can do so here:

Fill out my online form.
There are tons of Wufoo features to help make your forms awesome.

Have a blessed day!

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Thanksgiving Survival Tips - Enjoy your meal AND stay on track with your goals - 21 Day Fix and Core De Force Approved!

Let's set the stage.. you are in the middle of a round of a program right now... 21 day Fix, Core De Force (like me), or maybe Piyo or Cize, etc. and you're wondering. "How am I going to stay on track and not lose my hard work over Thanksgiving week?"

I have a blog post for that! 

Here are 6 tips I personally will be using this week to stay on track with my health and fitness goals. I hope you find them helpful! 

1. Tracking Portion Control Containers? Save your yellow and blue containers for your Thanksgiving meal. That will go a long way, trust me!

2. Drink your Shakeology 1-2 hours before your meal. You'll get your super foods, daily vitamins, probiotics and and all it's delicious goodness. PLUS it will fill you up and help you not over eat during the meal itself. 

(want the recipe? Check it out HERE)

3. Fill your plate with mostly veggies! Enjoy that turkey, have a little of your favorites to get your fix. But make sure you eat lots of veggies.

4. Have a special dish that is only made once a year? Enjoy it! For me it's my Mother-in-laws stuffing. I look forward to it all year long! Or my Mom's mashed potatoes.. MMMmmmm I can taste them already. The point is, enjoy those special dishes. Just keep them in smaller portions.

5. Workout in the Morning: Yep, you heard me! Get that workout in first thing. You'll thank yourself! Burn off some calories before the big meal, and not miss a workout during the round of your program. Win win!

6. Listen to your body when you're full: Your body will tell you when it's had enough. Don't feel like you have to keep eating for the sake of it being Thanksgiving. You'll save yourself some bloat and a stomach ache later. 

When Thanksgiving is over what's next? Keep going with your program! Haven't started a program yet or looking to switch it up? Join my Core De Force Challenge Group that begins 12/7 :)

Zero Equipment. MMA Style Workouts that will ignited that fire inside you to fight for your health. Don't wait tell Jan 1st. to start on those goals. We'll be ENDING our 30 days just after the New Year. How's that for starting off 2017? Already shedding weight and inches and knocking out goals?

To RSVP and save your spot for our group you can do so here:

Fill out my online form.
There are tons of Wufoo features to help make your forms awesome.

Have a blessed day!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Core De Force Week 2 Meal Plan

Hello again! I'm back with week #2 of my menu/meal plan for my test launch round of Core De Force. Last week I shared with you how I planned out my first week and my easy to follow grocery list and tracker template HERE. Then on Monday I shared with you my results/progress of 7 days straight of sticking to the eating plan and workouts HERE.

As you can see by my menu below, I eat pretty similar all week long minus dinners get switched up. I don't mind eating the same thing for lunch 5 days in a row. I'm all about simple, bulk meal prep and that it tastes good.

What did I prep for Lunches this week?

- Chicken Sausage, Ginger and Broccoli Stir Fry
- Quinoa (which came out AMAZING in my instant pot)
- Hard Boiled Eggs (also in my instant pot)
- Sliced bananas stuck in the freezer for my morning snack Shakeology

What am I eating for each day this week?

Check it out!
Want the free template and to learn how to plan these out? ALL my challengers get this free template at before they start their program and get meal prep lessons. It's my mission to make your health and fitness journey fun, simple and stress free!

Want to check out my Youtube Channel where I'm sharing my journey? Click the picture below:

Fill out my online form.
There are tons of Wufoo features to help make your forms awesome.

Have a blessed day!

Monday, November 14, 2016

Core De Force Week 1 Progress and Review

I've been doing rounds of programs long enough now to know something that holds true (at least for me). How you push through week #1 of a program will set the tone for the rest of it! Nutrition is the #1 most important aspect. It's 80% of our results for a reason. Choosing whole foods, skipping processed, making proper portioned meals and getting your dense nutrition in is a big deal!

The rest? Your workouts and your mindset! 

These are big deals too. 

So I went in to Week #1 ready to give this all I got. With the mindset that I wanted to get the best results I've ever gotten in 30 days of a program. How will I do that? By sticking to this program 100%! Nutrition, Workouts, Mindset.

Let me tell you.. I am EATING on this plan! Not feeling deprived at all. I have been eating 80% meal prepped food from my Sunday Meal Prep and it's made such a big difference keeping me on track. You can check out my menu HERE.

Want a sneak peek of my Day 4 workout? Bonus: you get to see my 2 year old sing the ABC's while I catch my breath.

Want to know my thoughts on week 1 before you see my results? You can watch my review here on my VLOG:

Ok Week #1 progress. In 7 Days I am down 4.5 inches and 4.2 lbs!

I'm sleeping better, sore but my energy level is up and I am already noticing I'm getting stronger! I can't wait to see what a full 30 days brings!

Stay tuned for my Week #2 Meal Prep/Menu post coming tomorrow!

If you want to join me in my next Core De Force Group, we are starting to fill up spots! We begin together 12/7

Fill out the form below if you want to find out more or claim your spot!

Use Wufoo integrations and get your data to your favorite apps.

Want to follow along daily with my journey? You can do so here:

Have a blessed day!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Recipe: Zucchini & Mushroom Risotto - Instant Pot Edition

Hi Friends! Happy November! It's been a few weeks since I blogged an instant pot recipe... And I've been wanting to blog this recipe for awhile now! This is a dish I have been making for about 6 years now in the microwave. Yep I said it, in the microwave. I pulled out my recipe box and was trying to find something we hadn't made in awhile that I could convert to the Instant Pot. 

Then I found my trusty Zucchini and Mushroom Risotto recipe!

Could I make this in the Instant Pot?

Yes! Challenge Accepted! 

1/2 medium onion (finely chopped)
3 garlic cloves (pressed)
1 cup Arborio Rice (uncooked)
1 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
3 1/2 Cups low sodium vegetable (or Chicken) broth
1/2 cup shredded mozzarella
1/4 cup fresh chopped parsley (or dried)
1 medium zucchini (used a cheese grater to shred it)
1 cup sliced mushrooms (you can use already cooked or fresh)
Himalayan Salt and Pepper to taste

Turn Instant Pot to saute mode. Dice onion and press garlic, add to pot with olive oil. Mix frequently tell translucent. Add 1 cup of rice, stir frequently for about a minute (don't let it burn). Add 3 1/2 cups of veggie or chicken broth and stir together. Put lid on, seal, set to high pressure/manual for 6 minutes. While this is cooking, go ahead and grated your zucchini and have your mushrooms, salt pepper, parsley and cheese ready to go.
After it's finished cooking do a quick release, hit cancel and remove lid from Instant Pot. Add salt and pepper, zucchini and mushrooms and give it a good stir. Add shredded cheese and parsley and stir again. Put the lid back on for about 5 minutes just to let everything settle together. 

Then... Serve!! 

My kids LOVE this recipe! Sometimes we'll add ground turkey or beef to it is GOOD! 

I hope you enjoy :)

Want more recipes like this? Want more recipes like this, meal prep tips and/or to get started with a fitness routine? I would LOVE to be your coach! You can reach out to me by going to my Facebook page by clicking the picture below....

Have a blessed day!

Monday, November 7, 2016

Core De Force: Week 1 Meal Plan and Easy to use Grocery List

This new program is all about doing things different for me this time. One of those things is I've NEVER posted before pics until I have after pics it show for it. (before pics will be at the end of this post)

If I want to make a change and give this all I've got, I've got to set the tone now. 

These last few months I've allowed life and the "stress" of it to dictate my emotions and my eating habits. As a coach I've been pretty embarrassed and afraid to show that I can't seem to get it together.

I'm recommitting myself to the goals I've made and am going to give this 110%. For myself, and for my challengers that I want to help encourage and inspire. I'm ready to lead by example and rise up again!

Something pretty cool happened. I got selected to be in a team test group! What does that entail? I had to sign a contract, take before mics and measurements, and commit to sharing this entire 30 day journey through VLOGS and well... blogging! 

This weekend I rocked out to "Eye of the Tiger" and got my meal prep on! I recorded a step by step video for my challengers showing them how I meal plan for each week and gave them my special Weekly Meal Planning Template and Grocery List. If you would like a copy of this you can email me at or fill out the quick form at the end of this post.

I love using this grocery list. It breaks the items I need up into the portion control container they go in. It's a great way to help learn what goes in what container and I'm a softy for organization! 

So what did I Meal Prep to make my life simpler this week and how long did it take? I will answer that right now!

This week's Meal Prepped Menu:
- Fixate Veggie Egg Cups
- Chopped veggies for snacks
- Egg roll in a Bowl for Lunches
- Extra Ground Beef to use for Monday's dinner
- Sliced Bananas, put in the freezer to use for my daily Shakeology. 

How long did it take? 1 hour! That's it! That 1 hour of prep I did in the kitchen will not only help me stay on track with my nutrition this week.. but it saves me TIME and reduces stress! I'm on the go all day long, so to have my food in the fridge, prepped/cooked ready to eat is huge for me. 

It was so fun to see all the meal prep pics from my Team and I's challengers this weekend! We are all SO pumped to begin!

(Day 0 Vlog for the Coach Test Group)

My Goals for these 30 days?
- Complete all the workouts.
- Stick to the Eating Plan (100%) 
- Be transparent. Share this journey as a whole. Highs, lows, and in between.
- Have a positive attitude. This is a BLESSING!

Does this sound like something you want to do? Are you right to Fight for your health? My next Exclusive Core De Force Challenge group that starts in a few weeks is already filling up! 

Fill out the form below if you would like my custom weekly meal planner and grocery list templates. Or if you would like to get your name on the list for my next group!
Fill out my online form.
HTML Forms powered by Wufoo.

(Click the box above to head over to my Facebook Page! I will be posting daily how my journey is going!)