Saturday, October 3, 2015

Rise Up Series: Part 2 - 3 Ways to Stay on Track while injured

So I'm missing my morning workouts big time right now.. My normal routine was to push play at 7am and get my 30 minutes of butt kicking workout done. Now that I am recovering from an injury I am having to find other ways to keep myself on track with my health and fitness goals. 

Are you dealing with an injury? Don't throw in the towel with your goals! You can still do this!

Here are 3 tips on how to stay on track with your health while recovering from an injury:

1. Eat Clean: You thought I was going to say something complicated than that right? ;) Put clean fresh food in your body, eliminate those processed foods. Replace them with fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meats/protein and whole grains. 

2.  Track What you Eat: Whether you are following the 21 Day Fix program with the portion control containers, or using an app like MyFitness pal. Tracking what you eat all day will help you stick with your goals!

3. H20: Drink your water! Chug it all day long! Keeping your body hydrated with water will help you recover, and your body will thank you.

*BONUS BOOST* - As I heal and recover I'm drinking my daily boost of dense nutrition in the form of a Chocolate Milkshake :) YUM! (Cafe Chocolate Recipe coming soon to the blog!) Drinking this daily has helped my energy stay up, I'm getting my vitamins, super foods, protein and vegetables.. and it's curbed my cravings!

Are you recovering from an injury and struggling to find a way to get back on track with your health and fitness goals? Comment below with your email address or email me at I would love to be there to help you and encourage you on your own journey!

Have a blessed day!


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