Thursday, March 31, 2016

Our New Beginning's - More Details Coming Soon!

God is good! Oh so very good! 

Our Family is beginning a new chapter and we are so excited to journal and share it with you!

We are packing up our bags, leaving the city life and will be creating a Homestead with Carson and Lily's Grandparents :). Building our own home, 38 acres and having a National Forest as our backyard. What a different life it will be from the concrete laden townhouse with no yard we have lived in for the past 7 years. 

More to come as we make the transition, build, and learn how to reduce our carbon foot print and live a simpler lifestyle. 

Stay tuned :)

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Diet < Healthy Living: Which sounds more appealing?

What do you think of when you hear the word "dieting"? 

When I hear it I think restrictive food intake, stressful, no fun at all, watching others eat delicious food and something we feel we "have" to do to lose weight.

It wasn't until the end of my 20's did I really started to change my mindset and I stopped "dieting" and embraced the blessing that each day we have a choice to improve our health. 

Healthy Living: Embracing that reality that we are blessed with the choice everyday to improve our health. We don't HAVE to workout, we GET to workout. Do you see where I am going with this?'

God has blessed each of us with one body and we're created in His image. As a christian my heart says that if God formed me and knew me before I was even born why would I want to hurt that body God put such care into? When we eat excessive bad food, don't exercise and fill up on sugar we aren't helping our body. In fact we can make our bodies very sick by doing that. 

Making a healthy life style change doesn't have to feel restrictive, Instead it can be something we rejoice in. We have the opportunity to have the CHOICE to bless our health.

If it's been on your heart to improve your health, I encourage you not to look at it with dread. Mindset is key to making a lasting healthy lifestyle change for you and your family. 

Be kind to yourself, don't beat yourself up on yesterdays meal or today's lunch. Instead make the choice right now at this very moment to keep moving forward on your goals to a healthier lifestyle. I promise you won't regret it. 


Sunday, March 6, 2016

10 Reasons Why Taking 30 minutes a Day to Exercise is Worth Your Time

Having a hard time convincing yourself to get a workout in today? Well I have 10 reasons that will help you get off the couch and get your body moving!

1. It lifts your mood! Yep, not only will you feel accomplished for completing your workout. You will also feel a boost in your mood! 

2. It helps you lose weight and strengthen your body

3. Boosts your mental health! 

4. Let's get real. We spend more time scrolling through social media each day than the time it takes to get a 30 minute workout in. Let's all commit to putting our phone down and taking charge of our health!

5. Improves Sleeping Patterns: Hello sweet dreams! I'm all for a good night sleep :)

6. Strengthens your heart and bones!

7. Leading by example for your loved ones. Spouse, kids, co-workers, friends... the list goes on and on. By leading a healthier lifestyle you will start a ripple effect to others around you encouraging them to do the same.

8. Because it's ONLY 30 minutes (sorry I had to say it).

9. Helps improve your eating habits. On those days you've put in a workout you'll think extra hard about what you choose to eat. Why waste the hard work you just put in?

10. Getting 30 minutes of exercise each day will overall help improve your quality of life. You will be more motivated to go after your dreams, you will improve your physical and mental health and will take more opportunities to seize the day! We only get one body to live in, want to help and bless others? Take better care of your body! You will have more energy to be present in all areas of your life. 

So are you ready to get moving and get that workout in? You can do this! And I would love to be there to help encourage and support you. If you are looking for an accountability partner/Coach fill out the quick form below and I will get back to you asap!

Have a blessed day!

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Hammer and Chisel: Results and Review

This past Sunday 2/28 I completed my final workout on the 8 week Hammer and Chisel Program created by Autumn Calabrese and Sagi Kalev. 

For those of you that know me, or have read my posts in the past I have done several Beachbody programs over the years. This was my first program to do after getting cleared to start working out again and building strength after getting injured in September. My strength in my left shoulder and my neck had decreased significantly so I was hesitant at first but very much up for the challenge.

Over the 8 week Challenge:

- I never missed a single workout
- I ate following the nutrition guidelines to a "T" about 70-80% of the time.
- I challenged myself each workout and gave it all I got.
- I lifted heavy weights and LOVED it.
- I gained energy and lost way more inches than I expected.
- I loved the muscle confusion techniques used, the variety of workouts and that every other day it was either Sagi or Autumn leading the workouts.
- I never got bored or burnt out
- The longest workout was only 43 minutes, but the majority were roughly 30 minutes. Which was perfect as a busy on the go mama.
- Being a part of a challenge group where I was getting daily accountability and support was a HUGE part of why I was able to finish this program all the way through.
- Loved the music, encouragement and motivation in each workout. 
- Modifier that was in each workout was very helpful!
- It got me out of my comfort zone and it's my favorite program I've ever completed.

Some of the delicious clean foods I ate while doing the program that fueled my workouts and kept my belly full :)

Equipment I used:

The program gives you two options. You can either use a weight bench or a stability ball for several of the moves. I chose the stability ball because of limited space in my living room and it worked great! In fact as mentioned by the trainers in several of the workouts, I think I got a better core strengthening workout using it. You also have a choice of either using a pull up bar with or without the assistance attachment or a door attachment with a resistance band. Because my shoulder was just healing up I decided to go with the resistance band with the door attachment. It worked great and I'm looking forward to using the bar next round.


After 8 weeks of pushing play 6 days a week and following the eating plan about 75/25 my results were:

Total weight lost: 6.8
Total Inches Lost: 10 inches

I was shocked! I went down 1 pant size and I can fell the physical strength I've gained!

Who is this program for? 

I would say this program is for anyone that is up for a challenge! (Obviously if you have medical concerns or risks please consult a Dr before doing it). I think it's helpful to have some sort of working out experience a head of time and to make sure you read/watch the safety guidelines for lifting weights so that you can prevent injuries. 

As a busy mama with 2 kids under 5 I didn't feel like I was stretched for time doing this program at all. I was able to get my workout done each day, stuck with my 21 Day Fix containers which are also used in the Hammer and Chisel nutrition guide and really enjoyed this challenge. I LOVE this program and can't wait to do another round!

Are you ready to get started with this program and get in the best shape of your life? 

Fill out this quick application below and I will be in touch with you within 24 hours. We have a exclusive group opening up soon with limited spots if you would like to join in for daily accountability and unlimited 1:1 coaching with me.

Have a blessed day!