Monday, February 29, 2016

Recipe: Egg Roll in a Bowl

We have a new staple recipe in our house... and it's SO good!

- 1 Lb of ground beef, chicken or pork
- 1 package of coleslaw mix

- 1 medium onion, chopped

- 3 cloves garlic, chopped
- 3-4 TBSP Braggs liquid aminos or low sodium soy sauce
- 1-2 Tsp of Rice Vinegar


Cook ground meat tell done. Add onions and garlic and sauté until nearly cooked. Add slaw package and cook for another 10-15 mins. Add liquid ingredients and simmer for 5-10 mins. Then serve.

1 serving equals 1 red, 1 green and 1 orange for those following 21 Day Fix.

This is also a great Paleo recipe!

Enjoy :)

Want more recipes like this? You can sign up for my free monthly newsletter here or join one of my challenge groups:

Friday, February 26, 2016

Spring into Action - How you can get started too!

So if you are friends with my on Facebook, read my blog or just know me personally you may have heard me mention "Challenge Groups" a few times. Well in under 3 minutes I'm going to explain to you exactly what that is...

wink emoticon
Spring is already here! That means the warmer season is right around the corner... Join us for a 3 week challenge starting March 7th as we "Spring into Action" and reach those Fit Goals before the warmer season!
You'll get:

- Daily Accountability
- I will help you find the right 30 min a day exercise and simple clean eating plan that will work best for YOU and your life.
- Brand New Recipes to give your meal prep a face lift and freshened up!
- Daily Inspirational Posts and Encouragement
- Fellowship, fun and more!

Whether you've been on track with your 2016 Fit Goals or not, now is the perfect time to start. I want to be here to help you every step of the way!

There are limited spots left in this group. Fill out the quick application below to make sure you get a spot today

Fill out my online form.

Have a Blessed Day!

Monday, February 15, 2016

Embracing being a "Work in Progress"

Today we are constantly surrounded by media and images of what societies "perfection" and standard is. What are bodies should look like, how we should dress, and this false sense of what we are supposed to be. 

Reality, the images we see on covers of magazines are air brushed, woman are photo shopped, cropped, brushed and polished with computers to look a different way.

Here's a great example..

(Photo on the left, manipulated, Photo on the right, raw) 

This one was pretty shocking to me. Her arms, rib cage, freckles, face.. everything was altered. This isn't even the worst of the Photoshop imagines I found while doing research on this post.

Teenage girls all over America are growing up seeing these alternations on covers of magazines and thinking that they are real and this is how "we" are supposed to look. 

Yes, it's great to feel good about how your clothes fit or reaching a goal weight you've set for yourself.  But Eating clean, working out, and taking better care of yourself isn't so you can look like an altered version of a celebrity on a magazine. It's so that you can live a long life (God willing), set an example for others, have more energy and be more present with your loved ones. 

I don't work out in front of my daughter Lily so that she see's her mom trying to fit into a size __ jeans. I do it because I want her to see it's important to take charge of your health and to respect the one body God's given us.

I catch myself sometimes even now at 30 years old looking at a magazine or on TV and think "man I wish I looked like that." I have to put myself in check and remind myself that I am beautiful the way I am in God's eyes and that our societies expectation are not what maters. It's ok to be a work in progress and not strive for the world's definition of "perfection."

Today I want to encourage all woman, to embrace being a work in progress on your health and fitness journey. Don't strive to look like someone else. Instead embrace the one body you've been given and treat it kindly. 

With lots of Love,

Monday, February 8, 2016

Recipe: Mason Jar Taco Salad

It's not secret that I love Mason Jars. Put some food in it that's healthy, easy to prepare and delicious and I'm a happy girl! This week I decided to switch it up again and got creative.

My newest Mason Jar Salad recipe (drum roll please)....tatatatatatatatatatata..

Taco Salad! (the crowd goes wild) "Yaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Ok maybe I'm a little to excited about this. Haha

This was crazy easy to make and tastes amazing!

Organic Ground Beef
Salsa (your choice)
Shredded cheese
1 Cucumber (peeled and chopped)
Your Lettuce of choice (I used a coleslaw blend this time)

Cook your ground beef how you like it. For taco seasoning I use garlic powder, chili powder, a little Himalayan salt and diced onions. You won't need to use all of your cooked meat, I actually used half for dinner that night and the other half for the 3 mason jar salads I made. If you want to make more salads than that, you'll need to just use the beef  just for the salads.  After your beef is cooked, place in a sealed container and let cool in the fridge for about 30 minutes.

Then it's time to build your salads! I used my 21 Day Fix Portion controlled containers and measured out the proper servings for each ingredient.

1st Layer: Salsa (I used my orange container for this because you don't need much)
2nd Layer: Chopped Cucumber (1/2 a Green Container)
3rd Layer: Ground Taco Meat (1 red container)
4th Layer: Shredded cheese (1/2 a blue container)
5th Layer: Salad Blend of Choice (1 Green Container)

Seal the lid and store in the fridge! It's that easy! When it's time to eat it for your lunch throughout the week, simply shake it up and pour into a bowl and dig in. Delicious!

Want more recipes like this?
You can reach out to me by filling out the quick form below and I'll get back to you asap!

Fill out my online form.

Have a blessed day!

Friday, February 5, 2016

Hammer and Chisel: Week 4 Month 1 Results

Hey Hey Friends! I can't believe month ONE of Hammer and Chisel is already complete! I am loving the way this program is challenging me, keeping me engaged and giving RESULTS! 

This week I noticed my hunger level increased a little, I upped my water and was fine :)

This week also wrapped up my "#PushPlayEverydayChallenge" for January! I worked out for 31 days straight! Feels so good to be getting my strength back, more energy and getting into a healthy routine for the new year!

Meal Prep this week was delicious! Made a big batch of the Fixate Frittata loaded with spinach, some edamame pasta with some orange infused avocado oil and a stir fry broccoli slaw blend. SO good!

Sunday marked day 28 of my first round of Hammer and Chisel and I took my Month One measurements and stats.

In one month I lost:

6.8 pounds
9 inches 
1 pant size

I've lost 2 inches off my hips alone! 

Honestly the pounds and inches lost is great, but really the strength and energy I'm gaining is worth all that and more in gold!

On to month two now!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Rise Up Series: PTSD

Close family and friends know, but it's just recently that I started being more open with others about my diagnoses with PTSD from the car accident I was in several months ago. Before this happened to me I always assumed that PTSD was something that was only diagnosed from war/combat. What I didn't realize was that it can happen from other types of traumatic events (see diagram to the left). I am a firm believer that God gives us life events, seasons, and circumstances to use for His Glory and lift others up who may have gone/going through something similar. So I'm going to share with you what's been going on.

Shortly after I was hit in a freeway collision I started to develop symptoms that would eventually lead to my diagnosis. I was anxious, short fused, I has having severe nightmares, just simple noises like Carson playing cars or trains and having them crash together would trigger these feelings and I would have panic attacks. The first time I drove myself on the freeway after the accident was the worst. It felt like there was an elephant on my chest, I couldn't breath, shaking uncontrollably and my instinct was to just pull over on the side of the freeway and cry. I didn't, but I did take the first exit off the freeway pull over and spent about 30 minutes crying uncontrollably.

I know this can sound dramatic and for someone that hasn't experienced this kind of anxiety it may be hard to understand. Fear, unrelenting anxiety that I couldn't shut off. As a mom I love to take my kids to the zoo, Sea World, and do other outings and this new change was debilitating. I could only drive on streets, I had mastered every side road here in East County to get to where I needed to go without getting on the freeway. I knew I needed to get help.

More importantly I knew that God was in control, and that He was going to get me through this.

After speaking to my Dr. during treatments from my injuries I was referred to a Therapist who after several extensive tests diagnosed me officially with PTSD.

First thoughts I felt when hearing those words out of her mouth was broken and embarrassed.

I got in the car, prayed and the first verse that came to me was Philippians 4:6-7

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” 

It was right there and then that I decided I was going to stop letting fear have control over me and trust and know that God is in control and is with me.

Feeling anxious? Struggling with self doubt, worry or fear of the unknown? Here are a few verses I read daily to help me overcome PTSD:

 “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.” Psalm 56:3

“When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul.” Psalm 94:19

“But now, this is what the Lord says…Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.” Isaiah 43:1

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

“The Lord is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear?  The Lord is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid?” Psalm 27:1

Currently I am still struggling to drive on the freeway. I can go for short distances but it is not something I'm going to give up on.

Here are a few things I've been doing while in the car to help ease anxiety and might help you too:

1. I have a playlist of worship music with some of my favorite christian songs and I sing along.
2. I pray every single time I get in the car before I head to my destination.
3. Deep Breaths
4. I remind myself often (and sometimes say this out loud) "God is in control, God's got this. He will lead me through."
5. Sometimes put some essential oils on, one in particular called "stress away".
6. I take small short trips on the freeway slowly inching myself a little bit further reach time.

As a Christian I have struggled with this PTSD because in my rational mind I KNOW God is in control, and if it's His will it will be done. But when that anxiety creeps in it's like a button that is very hard to turn off. I share this with you all because it's a daily choice to put your faith and trust in Jesus.

What are some of the other things that have helped me on this journey to overcome PTSD?

1. Spend more time in my Bible. It's how I jump start everyday. It keeps me centered, and my heart postured to seek Jesus.
2. Prayer: It's crucial.
3. Exercise: It really is a stress relief and mood booster. This past month I did a 31 day #PushPlay Everyday Challenge and shared it on my Facebook page. Getting that daily exercise in I really felt my stress decrease and my anxiety lessen greatly.
4. Eating Healthy: We are only given one body, why not take better care of it?
5. Grace: I remind myself of grace every single day.
Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Hebrews 4:16
6. Accept Help: This is something I struggle with naturally. I have a hard time asking for help or accepting help. In this process I've learned to accept help by my wonderful family and friends who have supported me through this.

I'd like to take a second (which is not nearly enough), and thank all those that have been there for me through this season. The prayers, hugs, messages, conversations, and support means more to me than I could ever say. I love you and incredibly thankful for you. A huge thank you to my Husband who has been incredibly supportive, understanding and patient with me. Thank you Jesus for these amazing people in my life.

Have you been struggling with PTSD, anxiety or depression? If you would like someone to talk to or have a prayer request I would love to encourage you and pray with you.

Have a blessed day,

Monday, February 1, 2016

Recipe: Mason Jar Egg Salad

I love me a good Mason Jar salad. They are great for meal prep days and it stays fresh for up to 6-7 days! I was doing the same Mason Jar salad a few times a week for lunches for about a month now and decided it was time to switch it up.

Here is a super easy egg salad blend I made to go inside!

6 Hard Boiled Eggs
2 celery stalks, diced
1 tbsp. Dijon mustard
sea salt and pepper to taste

Directions, mix all the ingredients together and then dived into 3 mason jars evenly. Next add 1 cup of salad greens on top, seal the jar and store in the fridge.

Super easy right?

21 Day Fix Portion Control Container Amount Per serving is:

1 red and 1 green.


Want more recipes like this? Sign up for my monthly newsletter here:

Have a Blessed day,