Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Quick Easy21 Day Fix Approved Lunch Recipe: Open Faced Egg Salad Sand which

Hi Everyone! Here is a quick easy recipe that I love to make for lunch. Bonus, this is 21 day fix approved! I call it an "Open Faced Egg Salad Sandwich." I typically eat it with a side of baby carrots and hummus, but you could add salad with it, a piece of fruit, some nuts/seeds.. Very versatile! Here you go :)

-1 slice of Ezekiel Spouted Whole Wheat Bread
- 2 hard Boiled Eggs (peeled)
- 1 tsp of Dijon Mustard
- 1 cup Raw Spinach
- 1 baby pickle (diced)
-1/2 a piece of turkey bacon (optional)
- pepper to taste

Grab a bowl and add your two hard boiled eggs, mash them up with a fork until they are in pretty small pieces. Add mustard, pickle, and pepper. Then take your piece of bread and lay the spinach on top of it. Add the Egg salad mixture you've made and pile it on top (I push it down as I add scoops to smash the spinach down. Sprinkle optional crumbled bacon on top an that's it! 

*Note: Mustard is considered a free topping while on 21 day fix

This took 5 minutes to make

21 Day Fix Container Equivalent: 
1 Red
1 Green
1 Yellow

If you include the side of Carrots and Hummus then the serving size is:
1 Red
2 Greens
1 Yellow
1/2 Blue

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Finding Joy in the Journey

Typical Negative Thoughts When We Don't Feel Good about Ourselves:

"I'm never going to loose this weight"

"Ugh, I don't fit into any of my clothes"

"I'll never be able to do it."

"Why can't I look like (insert name here)"

I think it's easy to get caught up in the frustration and negativity of the BIG goals we have set or comparing ourselves to others. Everyday we see other people/celebrities on Facebook, Instagram, TV, Magazines, Movies, etc. "Expectations" of what we are "supposed" to look like are EVERYWHERE.  And if you don't have the right perspective, it will get the best of you, leaving you with low self esteem, feeling bitter and blah.

The Truth? We are ALL different, God designed us that way for a purpose! 

"Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Positive Thoughts When we are finding Joy in the Journey:

"Today I have the choice to put better foods in my body."

"Today I have the choice to go for a walk with my kids."

"Thank you God for breath in my lungs, and the ability to run, jump, and strengthen my body!"

"I'm going to take better care of the body that has been given to me."

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful I know that full well." Psalm 139:13-14

Celebrate each day we have here on earth with a joyful heart! Find joy in the journey <3 Not only will you feel a burden off your heart, you will also spread that joy to your loved ones and others!

Monday, July 20, 2015

21 Day Fix - Quick Easy Lunch packing tips with your containers - VLOG

Hi Everyone! I was getting ready to pack my lunch this morning before work and thought this was a great opportunity to record a quick video. This is just a quick video on meal prep with the 21 Day Fix containers when you're on the go. If you have any questions or want more info on what the 21 Day Fix is. Comment below or send me a message on my Facebook Page.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

What do you do when you've fallen off course? - Finding your "Why"

If you've read my "about me" section of the blog or you know me personally, then you'll know I've had my ups and downs with weight gain/loss. I think it's easy to get discouraged sometimes on social media when you see someone posting their "highlight reel" of what their life is like on Facebook, Instagram, etc. Heck, I'm guilty of this, it's much easier to post about the "happy" stuff. 

(Pictures above: a decade worth of weight gains/losses)

I naturally want to post joyful, positive, upbeat posts, and cute pictures of my kids. Now that I am a Beachbody Coach and putting my daily fitness/nutritional journey on display for everyone else to see. I want it to be known that in the midst of these posts I make, there is also lots of sleepless nights, struggles, days when I just want a slice of pizza, life curve balls and ups and downs that come my way.

Just like everyone else.

In the past, I've allowed the excuses I've made for myself justify falling of course. 

- My kids don't sleep through the night

- Work

- I'm too busy and I don't have time.

- The dog ate my home work (just kidding)

- My Daughter won't let me work out for long periods of time because she'll start crying

- There's laundry to do

- Or dishes

- I'm too stressed

- I've had 2 c-sections, I'll never loose this weight in my waist

- Did I mention no sleep?

- Or there's something I'd rather be doing instead _(insert here)_.

Each day, by the grace of God we have a choice. A choice on how we are going to live each day. 

When that clicked in my brain, that I had a choice, my entire mindset changed. 

Will I let those excuses get the best of me?

Or will I choose to live each day joyful, thankful with a humble heart. 

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding,will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:4-7)

Are there days that I'm exhausted from being up most of the night with my 18 month old? YES

Are there days where I really just want that slice of pizza? YES

When those moments in life come up, and the excuses start popping up in your head why NOT to do your work out or staying on course with your eating plan, switch gears.

Start thinking about why you SHOULD be doing your work out, eating clean and getting healthier?

What is your WHY?

Think about it for a minute, write it down and put it on a post-it note. Put that post-it note somewhere you go to everyday in the morning (Mirror, above the coffee machine, your car dash board). Read that why every single day. 

What's my why? (In case you are wondering)

My why, is that I want to be the best Wife and Mother I can be. I want to encourage others, share the Gospel and fight the good fight. 

The healthier I am, the better equip am to take care of my family and to help others. 

I also want to fit into those pre-pregnancy jeans, and go into my 30's in better shape than I was in my 20's.

What's your why?

Write your "why" down. 

It's been put on my heart to share my journey with you all. So when you see my instagram posts or facebook posts with snap shots or short video clips of my daily work outs...I'm just showing you that I'm a work in progress. That I'm choosing joy each day. Joy in the struggles, Joy in the accomplishments, Joy in the laughter of my kids, Joy in the frustrations, Joy in lack of sleep, Joy in realization that by God's grace I am made new. 

Do you need some encouragement or support? Are you not sure where to start or just want someone to talk to? If you send me a message at or on my  I would love to help you.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Mint Chocolate Shakeology Recipe

Are you ready for some Minty-Chocolaty goodness???!

This is my favorite Shakeology recipe to date! 

Are you ready?

🔹Mint Chocolate Shakeology recipe! 🔹 

-8oz water
-4 oz almond milk
-1 cup crushed ice
-1 scoop of Chocolate Shakeology
-1/8 tsp peppermint extract.


 Honestly, this  tastes better than any junk food milk shake from (insert name here) fast food place! Skip the high calorie, high fat, overloaded sugar milk Shake and try this. 

Seriously it's possible to get your healthiest meal of the day and feel like you're drinking milkshake!! 

Want more info?

Message me! or visit me at

And now I leave you with this :)

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

21 Reasons Why you should do 21 Day Fix:

Have you seen other people posting about doing 21 Day Fix? Have you been thinking about trying it but been on the fence? I have a blog post for that! ;) Here is 21 reasons to why you should do 21 Day Fix: 

1. 30 minutes of work outs a day. (You can spend more time browsing Facebook than that!)
2. Easy, simple to follow nutrition plan
3. Color coded Portion Control Containers will help teach you the proper portions of each food group you need.
4. You will loose weight!
5. No calorie counting!
 6. Variety of Workouts: You'll never get bored! Each day of the week is a different work out (Total Body, Upper Body, Lower Body, Pilates, Cardio, Circuit Training, Yoga)
7. It's ONLY 21 Days, 3 weeks... that's it! It goes by faster than you think :)
8. Fun in the Kitchen: It gives you a new sense of creativity in the kitchen and finding ways to make healthy, delicious, easy to cook meals for you and your family.
9. Your clothes will fit better!
10. Support: You get me as your Free Coach and I'll get you plugged in to our FB 21 Day Fix Challenge Group. We post daily, encourage each other through our journey!
11. No choreography. The workout moves are easy to follow and Autumn gives great instructions.
12. Modifier: There is a modifier to follow in each workout. 
13.  More energy! Double boosted energy if you choose to drink Shakeology everyday too! 
14. Kick your cravings to the curb: You will find you are getting way more food each day then you imaged, and you won't miss the junk!
15. Multiple Rounds: That's the beauty of it being only 3 weeks. You can just keep going and do as many rounds as you want to help reach your goals.
16. Share with others: Have your family join in on the fun! It's a great chance to have family time while everyone improves their health. Win win!
17. There's an app for that! There is a free 21 Day Fix app that you can download to your phone for easy tracking when you are out and about. 
19. You won't be sorry. I promise, at the end of 21 days you won't be sorry. You will be happy that you did this and seeing the results of your hard work!
20. Customize your plan based on your goals.
21. You have a Choice: You get to make the choice to change your eating habits, improve your strength, lose weight, improve your moods and inspire others to do the same!

I've seen first hand that this program works. I myself have lost over 28 pounds in the last 11 months doing multiple rounds of 21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme.

My current Challenge group is 10 days in and they are down well over 20 pounds combined. If you do the 30 minute work outs each day, follow the simple nutrition guide, and have have a mindset that you will see this through.... You will get results. 

So are you ready to take the 21 Day Fix Challenge? Fill out the application below and we'll get started together :)

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Fixate Cookbook is here!

I know some of you have been looking forward this cookbook like I have. And guess what? It's here, it's here! Autumn Calabrese's new cookbook Fixate came out today and it is jam packed with 101 recipes that are 21 Day Fix Approved. Breakfasts, snacks, appetizers, lunches, and dinners! 

I know personally from doing several rounds of 21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme that when using other recipes it can be a little difficult calculation container portions. This makes it simple with over 100 recipes at our fingertips.  

To purchase this awesome cookbook. Click here:

For the rest of July I am offering a awesome special. For anyone that purchase the 21 Day Fix Challenge Pack, I will give you a copy of the new cookbook for FREE.

Message me at for more info!

Sunday, July 12, 2015

21 Day Fix - Round 3 Results

Today marks day 21 of this round of 21 Day Fix! I can't get over how fast these past few weeks have gone. When I first started this program back in August 2014 I was doing it by myself. I had to resist the junk food in the house... squeeze my work outs in while the kids took naps... I had my slip ups and moments of weakness. But I didn't give up!

Fast forward to now.. what a difference less than a year can be! My Hubby is on day 7 of his own round, my son works out with me sometimes and my daughter makes for an awesome extra 25 pound resistances during planks and push ups. Haha. There is NO junk in my house, we are happier, healthier and doing this TOGETHER. 

Don't give up! Be a light, shine by example.. Joy is contagious! 

To say this is an answered prayer is an understatement. I'm so thankful that our family is making active steps each day to be healthier and encourage each other.

Other people have joined in too! My 21 Day Fix Challenge group is on FIRE! The first 6 days on the program they are already down over 20 pounds combined. That's incredible!

This program works. 30 minutes a day working out, simple easy to follow nutiriton guide with portion control measuring containers, and I replace 1 meal a day with Shakeology

This round of 21 Day Fix I upped my weights the last 2 weeks. Man I've been sore! It's been challenging, but in a good way! 

Here are my results from this round of 21 Day Fix:

3 pounds lost

2.25 inches and I went down 1 pant size!

And now... here are my total stats lost since beginning 21 Day Fix and Shakeology 11 months ago:

Since Starting 21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme:

Chest: -2 inches
R Arm: -2 inches
L Arm: -2.5 inches
Waist: -5 inches
Hips: -5 inches
Rt Thigh: -3 inches
Lft Thigh: -3 inches
Butt: -3 inches

Total inches Lost: 25.5 inches
Total Weight Lost: 26 pounds

You can read more about it here

Today on day 21 I put on a pair of pants I haven't been able to fit into for two years! 30 min a day work outs, my daily Shakeology, portion control and clean eating. When I started my first round last August I was 6 months postpartum after my 2nd c-section and had no core strength. I couldn't get through 10 seconds of burpees the first time I did Cardio Fix. Now, I can go the whole minute and then some! The physical strength I've gained is worth so much more to me than the # on the scale! I'm ready and excited to begin 21 Day Fix Extreme tomorrow!

Are you looking to get started with a healthier lifestyle? Are you just not sure where to start? Or maybe you know where you want to start but just need someone to give encouragement? I would love to be your coach and help you.

Send me a message at or you can sign up at up and it will automatically make me your coach for free.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Recipe: 21 Day Fix approved "Chicken Fried Rice"

You guys, I think I just made my favorite 21 Day Fix friendly recipe to date. My Hubby is on day 5 of 21 Day Fix and has been doing so well. His favorite take out dish is Chicken Fried rice. So I thought to myself, can I come up with a variation that he'd approve of that tasted delicious and was 21 day fix compliant?

Ok are you ready for it? 

Here it is....

2 chicken breasts (chopped into smaller pieces)
2 cups brown rice (cooked)
2 eggs (scramble separately)
1 cup chopped cooked carrots
1 cup chopped yellow pepper (or whatever color you prefer)
1/2 onion (diced)
2 tbsp Braggs Liquid Aminos
1 cup sliced green onions
other seasoning to taste
1 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil

- Take a large skillet pan and heat on high. Spray or add oil to season the pan (I use Trader Joe's Coconut Oil spray)
- Cook chicken and onions together. Once cooked, add yellow peppers and olive oil. Stir frequently. - While these ingredients are cooking, in a separate small pan scramble 2 eggs. Once they are cooked add them to the large pan and then add rest of ingredients. Mix frequently for 3-5 minutes.

Serve and enjoy!

This recipe makes 4 servings. Each serving equals:

1 Yellow
1 Red
1 Green
1 Orange

Comment below if you've tried this recipe! I'd love to hear from you and what you thought of it!

Basil Garlic Zucchini "Zoodles" Recipe

Making Zucchini noodles (also known as "zoodles") is a great way to incorporate more veggies into your meals and uses less processed foods such as pasta (also they are Gluten Free friendly). Zoodles are so versatile! I use them as spaghetti, stir fries, salads and soups... So many possibilities!

Here is a new recipe I came up with last night. 

Basil Garlic Zoodles:(makes 4 servings)

2 zucchinis
1/4 sweet onion
1 or 2 hand fulls of fresh basil (chopped)
3 cloves of garlic (pressed or finely chopped)
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tsp salt
pepper to taste

-Take whatever tool you use to spiral your zucchini (I use the Zoodle Slicer) and make noodles out of both your zucchinis.
- take a medium pan and heat it up on the stove with the olive oil. 
-Once it's hot turn it down to medium and add garlic and onions. 
-Once the onions begin to turn translucent add the zucchini, fresh basil, lemon juice and salt and pepper. 
-Toss frequently (I like to use tongs while cooking these). 
- Takes about 5-7 minutes to cook. Then take off heat immediately (you don't want soggy noodles).

Warning: Your kitchen will smell AMAZING.

You could serve/eat these as is.Or you could add a little marinara on top. Here is how I served them last night for our 21 Day Fix compliant dinner:

(Pesto Chicken Sausage, Basil Garlic noodles with 1/2 cup marinara sauce, and brown rice)
21 Day Fix Portion Tracker: Equaled: 1 red, 1 green, 1 yellow, 1 purple


Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Where do you want to be 1 year from now?

I debated posting this but I decided to go for it. I was scrolling through my timehop app this morning and came across the picture on the left. 

1 year ago today was 6 months postpartum, tired, sluggish and just overall not feeling great. I was coming up on my 29th birthday and vowed that I wasn't going to enter my 30's feeling this way. Shortly after this I started 21 Day Fix

Picture on the left is this morning. One year later. I've stuck to my 21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme workouts, drink my Shakeology and eliminated a lot of junk from my diet. It has not been easy by any means, but am I glad I've stuck with this? YES. Not only am I healthier, but I am able to take better care of my family and help others. 

So my thought for today is: Don't give up, you didn't get to this point over night. It takes hard work, dedication and making that choice daily to keep going to reach the goals you have. 

Also, I want to say that feeling strong physically is great, but the true strength is from inside... That is the real good stuff! I make the choice daily to live for Jesus, to share His word with truth and grace. My hope and strength comes from Him. "Commit your actions to the LORD, and your plans will succeed." (Proverbs 16:3)

Where do you want to be 1 year from now? What are your goals? If I can help you anyway I am hear to support and cheer you on. I would love to be your coach! Comment here or send me a message at and let's talk about what we can do to help you reach your goals :)

Have a blessed day Everyone!

Friday, July 3, 2015

Quick Fix: My Fitness/Kitchen Tool Essentials (Healthy Edition)

Hi Friends! I've been asked a few times what gadgets/kitchen essentials I use to help work towards my health and fitness goals. 

(Click on the image to open Amazon)

1. The original Zoodle Slicer: I LOVE this thing! It gets used more than most of my kitchen gadgets. I love to make zucchini noodles out of these. It's a great low calorie substitute for regular pasta. You can make spirals out of all sorts of veggies (sweet potatoes, carrots, etc.)

(Click on the picture to open Amazon)

2. My Fitbit!: If you are like me and love stats, then this is right up your alley! It tracks your steps, calories burned, sleeping pattern... You can track your food intake, work outs and water intake on the app that automatically syncs with this little band that is on your wrist. I only have to charge it once a week too! Also, it syncs to app which is where I track my calorie intake and work outs. So I don't have to enter in the info twice. 

(Click on picture to open Amazon)

3. Immersion blender: This is the one I have and I use it multiple times a day. I use it to make my bullet proof coffee (recipe coming soon), mix my Shakeology, and I use it when cooking often. 

(Click picture to open link)

4. My Shakeology Shaker cup: This is great for when I'm working in the office, or out running around and don't have my immersion blender with me. My Hubby also uses this to drink his Shakeology on his way to work in the morning.

5. Bowflex weights: I've had these bad boys for almost 7 years now and they still work just like they did when I first bought them! If you don't have space in your house like me for a big rack of weights, these weights are great to have! The weights range from 5-50 pounds each and they go up in 2.5 increments. Totally recommend these!

(Click on picture to go to Link)

6. 21 Day Fix Portion Control Containers!: These were a game changer for me. For months I was tracking my calories EVERDAY and not losing weight. I was frustrated and didn't know why this wasn't working for me. When I started 21 Day Fix and used these containers to measure my food intake for each meal... that's when everything changed. I lost 11 pounds my first round. I still use these cups everyday to help me make sure I'm eating the proper portion of each food group.

A few other items I recommend having that I don't have a necessary "brand" to share with you...

7. Kitchen Knives: Having a few good knives is a plus! Makes chopping and meal prep so much easier
8. Cutting Board: I have to separate ones I use. One for veggies/fruit, and one for meats.

9. Workout/Yoga Mat: I use just a basic one that I got from Target. I keep it rolled up in my hall closet so I have easy access for my work outs that call for one. I use it a lot when doing Piyo and again on Pilates Fix and Yoga Fix on 21 Day Fix. 

10. Workout Shoes: This is so very important. Make sure you have a good pair of tennis shoes to do your workouts.

I hope this was helpful for you! If you have any questions or would like to join Team Life Light Up you can comment here or send me an email at

Have a blessed day!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Healthy Eating Fixes: Movie Theater Edition

This weekend my son and I got to have a Mommy and me night out! We've been looking forward to seeing Inside Out for weeks and this weekend we made it happen. Being on day 6 of this round of 21 Day Fix I wanted to make sure I was prepared with healthy snacks so that I wasn't tempted by the deliciousness of Movie Theater Popcorn goodness or nacho cheese. Have you ever noticed how expensive theater food is?! It's ridiculous! So not only was helping my body by bringing clean foods, I was helping my wallet and saving money.

Snacks that we brought:
1. dried apple slices
2. baby carrots
3. Trail mix (raisins, cashews, almonds, coconut and dried cranberries.)
4. Lara Bar
5. Seaweed Crisps
6. Honest Juice Box (for my son)
7. La Croix Sparking Water (for me)

And you know what? We didn't even eat it all! We left the theater with happy hearts from quality time together, and happy bellies from the good fuel we ate!

I use to think that when it was time for Family outings, Birthday Dinners etc, that it was just "throw in the towel" day for eating. But it's really possible to still have fun with those you love, eat, healthy, and give your kids the tools they need to make better eating choices as well! Don't get me wrong, I think it's good to have a splurge meal every once in a while. I think saving those splurges for something you really want (your favorite sushi roll, tacos from your favorite restaurant, etc.) instead of just something random for the sake of "splurging". 

Want a few more ideas of things you can take with you to the Movies?

1. Pop your own Popcorn! I've seen some great recipes on pinterest for popping your own popcorn with just a little coconut oil and salt. Clean, simple and delicious! If you carry a Marry Poppins purse like me you can bring a big bag of it with you, or if you are normal (I kid) and carry a smaller bag, just put a few snack size zip log bags worth of it in there and you'll be good to go.
2. Rice Cakes
3. Fruit: Grapes and sliced apples are great easy portable snacks
4. Kale Chips
5.Sliced Cucumber: I like to slice up a cucumber and sprinkle a bit of salt and pepper on it. Makes for a nice little crunch snack.

I hope these ideas helped you! Just remember that each step we take making better food choices will bring closer to our goals. This isn't a diet, or a quick fix. This is a lifestyle change to help you and your family be healthy, happier, and able to serve others!