Thursday, July 21, 2016

5 reasons why people put off taking care of their health

Have you ever heard something said to you by so many different people that you finally look up and say "Ok God, I hear ya."? Well that's happening to me currently. What is it that I keep hearing? "It's time to get back to basics."

I need to stop complicating things... to stop making them more intricate than they need to be. Simply... go back to the basics.

I sat down tonight to write a completely different blog post but this topic came to me. What are some of the reasons why people put off taking care of their health? I'm asking me 2 years ago this same question and this is what I came up with.

1.  I don't have time to workout: I'm gonna debunk this right now. 30 minutes a day is 2% of your 24 hrs you've given each day. We spend more time scrolling on social media and or watching tv/netflix binges than that. 30 minutes is all it takes to get a good workout in and improve your health.

2. I do well for a week and then I fall off the wagon: Been there, done that. Many, many times. What gets me back in the swing of things? My daily encouragement/challenge group and accountability partners on my team. I know they will tell me to step away from the cheeseburger if needed and will always be there to say "you can do this love, don't stop now". In the same breath I also know they will tell me to enjoy that said cheeseburger if it's a treat meal that I have once in awhile instead of a daily thing.

3. I have a bad knee or (insert injury here): 80% of your results come from nutrition. When I was recovering from my accident last year I was able to maintain my weight loss by sticking with my portion controlled containers and 21 Day Fix eating plan without workout out for almost 3 months straight.

4. I don't know where to begin: I would love to be able to help you with that! Together we can help find what program is right for you and your needs, what your goals are and how to begin without getting overwhelmed or frustrated.

5. I really enjoy desert: Have you seen my shakeology pie recipe or my Sea salt caramel shake?! Yum! I promise you can still feed your sweet tooth with delicious chocolate goodness without eating junk.

I can tell you now more than ever....This isn't about fitting into ___ size jeans, this is about improving my quality of life. I lift weights and eat whole foods because I want to be strong, healthier so that I can be the wife, mama and person God has called me to be. 2 years ago by 10 am I'd be on my 4th cup of coffee and still ready to go to sleep. Now coffee is optional, I drink simply because I enjoy it in the cool of the morning. The energy I've gained is so valuable. The perspective is priceless. If it's been put on your heart to make a change and improve your health I would love to help you. You can fill out the short application below and together we can do this.

Use Wufoo integrations and get your data to your favorite apps.

Have a blessed day,

Monday, July 11, 2016

The life of a kid at R&M Ranch

One thing I get asked most often about our new homestead life is what do the kids do all day and do they like it? So here are a few things that the kids get to do here at R&M Ranch...

They help gather and collect eggs. Carson who's 5 also enjoys helping clean out the chicken and turkey pins on farm cleaning days. Lily has been known to crack a few eggs or two by "gently" setting them down. 

Tractor rides with Daddy. When Daddy is driving the tractor and working on the farm the world stops and these kids are in awe. They love watching him drive that tractor and bonus points when they get to actually ride on it with him.

They bring the goats banana peels, or greens from the scraps bowl in the kitchen. The goats especially enjoy those banana peels when batman brings it to them. 

They help plant things! Carson has big hopes for his first pumpkin patch. We're just hoping the seedlings last the summer so we can make that happen :)

When Grandpa and Daddy use an auger to bury stanchion polls you get to climb into said hole first.

Lily spends most of her days dressing herself to match her spunky personality, picking flowers and bouncing around like Tigger. We wouldn't have it any other way.

The kids are learning how to take care and be kind to all animals. Their favorite animal is the newest member of R&M Ranch... Bessie the cow :) Carson goes down and helps Grandma and Grandpa most mornings and evenings milk the cow and bring her food.

Impromptu dirt road runs while wearing jammies at sunset. 

Morning walks with Mommy. We try to at least walk the 1/2 mile loop around our Oak Grove each morning. We like to look for pretty birds, flowers and bugs (those aren't pretty).

There's also tire swinging with Bessie...

lots of dirt to mow...

And tractor driving to do...

At the end of each day the kids come inside to be washed up, I get to kiss their dirt smeared faces, put them in fresh jammies, and we get to sit around the table, pray and enjoy a meal together as a family. And I wouldn't have it any other way <3

With Love,

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Country Heat Launch - Fire up the Fun!

Love dancing? Love country music? Want to have fun and lose weight and do it without ever picking up a weight? If so, Country Heat is for you!

This program is being released on  July 28th! Want to know when it's available first? Add your name to the list here and have a chance to win a free copy of the program! Our exclusive 30 Day Test Group begins on August 8th, will you be joining us? 

You've heard me talk about this for a few months and now we are coming up fast on the launch of the ground breaking fitness program

Now you can fire up your metabolism, burn calories, and melt away unwanted pounds while you have fun dancing to the
hottest country music around. Each Country Heat workout is 30 minutes of exhilarating, low-impact movement to melt off
the weight and reshape your body-toning and tightening your shoulders, arms, legs, and booty.

Autumn Calabrese (creator of 21 Day Fix) makes it fun and easy to start getting fit. No complicated moves-just follow
along and you'll be right in step from Day One. And since every move is set to the hottest popular country music out
there, you'll be having so much fun, you won't even notice that you're toning your body and scorching the fat!
Plus, it comes with an easy-to-follow portion control nutrition plan to maximize your results.

What is the difference between COUNTRY HEAT AND CIZE?
Country Heat's choreography is simple; all you have to do is follow along! Autumn teaches you two steps at a time,
then moves on to the next two steps. And you don't need to memorize anything.

Country Heat features the hottest country music, using fully licensed songs that you’ve probably heard on the radio.
Not only did Autumn pick these songs for their popularity, she specifically matched her moves to the faster and slower
beats to create the perfect interval training within each routine. The result? A fired-up metabolism that burns maximum
calories and fat—in just 30 minutes a day!

Want to be the first to know when it's available and how to get signed up for our Exclusive Launch Group that
 begins August 8th? You can sign up to get on the list by click the picture below...

Have a blessed day!

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Recipe: BBQ Chicken Baked Sweet Potatoes (21 Day Fix Approved)

I have been really excited to try this recipe post Ultimate Reset. It seemed like the perfect healthy summer BBQ recipe to me! I made it over the 4th of July weekend and I can honestly say, it did not disappoint! Best part is it was very easy to make and great for left overs too!

Serves: 2 servings, 1 sweet potato and about ¾ cup chicken each (Note: I doubled the recipe to make as many in the picture above)
  • 2 small sweet potatoes, washed, pierced several times with a fork
  • 1½ cups shredded cooked chicken breast, boneless, skinless, warm
  • ¼ cup barbecue sauce, reduced-sugar, warm
  • ¼ cup Quick Pickled Red Onions (or 2 Tbsp. chopped red onions) (optional)
  • 1 Tbsp. finely chopped fresh parsley (or cilantro) (for garnish; optional)
  1. Preheat oven to 400° F.
  2. Place sweet potatoes on a baking sheet. Pierce each sweet potato 3 to 4 times with a fork. Bake for 35 to 45 minutes, or until tender.
  3. While sweet potato is baking, combine chicken and barbecue sauce in a small bowl; mix well. Set aside.
  4. Cut sweet potatoes in half lengthwise.
  5. Top sweet potatoes evenly Quick Pickled Red Onions and chicken mixture. Sprinkle evenly with parsley; serve immediately.
  1. Look for barbecue sauce that has an ingredient list that does not contain artificial sweeteners, additives, or preservatives. There are many brands on the market that are sweetened with small amounts of honey, maple syrup, or molasses. I used "Stubbs Original Sauce"
  2. Use Healthy Barbecue Sauce as a homemade alternative to store-bought barbecue sauce.

And that's it! 1 serving is 21 Day Fix container equivalent of: 1 1/2 yellow and 1 red
