Sunday, May 29, 2016

Join a Challenge

So if you've seen my posts or talked to me in person you've probably heard about this "Challenge Group" thing I talk about, and you're wondering what it is? I'm going to share with you 4 things that will help you not only make a healthy lifestyle change but KEEP one. 
Fitness: One of the things that drew me to starting my fitness regimen with Beachbody was the ability to workout in my own home in 30 minutes a day. That's it. No commute to and from the gym, waiting for machines or having to find a sitter. I literally could just pop the DVD in and get to work. 

Nutrition: Each program Beachbody offers comes with an amazing nutrition guide. The portion fix containers and easy to follow nutrition guide teaches you the proper amount of each food group you really need on your plate, and gives you delicious recipes to do so with. One of my favorite parts of my 21 Day Fix journey is I have never had to et something separate from my family. We all eat the same delicious healthy foods. I just simple measure out my portions using the containers before putting it on my plate. In my challenge groups I will help teach you new recipes to incorporate, answer questions and teach you tips and tricks to make this lifestyle change as smooth as possible. 

Support: Being in one of my groups means you get to have me as your Coach. I've lost 40+ pounds on this lifestyle change and have been blessed with the opportunity to be able to encourage and support others on their own. In my challenge groups not only will you have me there cheering you on, but you will have a group of others who are on their fit journey as well. People that will become part of your #FitFam who you will share your highs, lows, and challenges with a long the way. We are in this together and together we are stronger.

PRIZES!I love giving stuff away in our challenge groups. Sweat selfie prizes, encourager of the week prizes.. so much fun! My favorite are the surprise prizes I like to through in when you least expect it ;)

By joining one of my challenge groups you can be assured you will always have a place to share your accomplishments, ask questions, be fueled with inspiration, recipes and fellowship. 

How do I join? You can join one of two ways! Fill out the quick form below or send me an email at I'd love to hear about your goals, a little about you and together we'll pick the right program for you.

How long do these groups last? Typically about 3 weeks, which is the perfect amount of time to do a round of 21 Day Fix. Sometimes I'll do shorter or longer ones. If you want to stay in touch via Facebook you will be the first to hear of upcoming groups!

What is expected of me? To give this your best effort for the duration of the challenge. It won't always be easy, it won't always be comfortable. But the results you get and the new healthy lifestyle habits you will gain will be worth it.

Ready to begin? 
Use Wufoo integrations and get your data to your favorite apps.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Giveaway: Cize Workout DVD's - 1 Year Coach-versary Celebration!

Who doesn't love to win free stuff? I'm coming up on my 1 year Coach-versary and to celebrate I want to give away a big prize!

So you probably want to know how to win right? It's simple! Every time you complete one of these entry items below you will earn points. For each person that shares this contest on their Facebook pages will be entered in to win the bonus DVD "Hold Your Own". 

Winner will be announced on my FB Page on my 1 Year Anniversary 6/23/16

Who's ready to win?!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

What I would tell myself then, knowing what I know now.

2 years ago this was the normal type of picture of me. Arms and mid section cropped out and if there were others in the picture, I basically hid behind them. I was feeling uncomfortable in my skin, with zero energy after having my daughter and was still in maternity pants 7 months postpartum. 

As I look at this pictures I can't help but think about what I would tell myself then knowing what I know now. 

I would tell myself as I was beginning a healthier lifestyle change... 

- That you are beautiful just the way you are. This isn't about looking like (insert name here) from the cover of a magazine. You are beautiful the way God made you and the size of your jeans isn't what's important. 

- There are going to be days where all you want is a cheeseburger, some fries and to skip your workout. And that is 100% OK, this is about balance and a lifestyle change. Not something to get burnt out on and quit a week later. 

- Don't over complicate this. Don't over think tracking calories, macros, body fat %, exact calories burns. Stick with your portion control containers, enjoy eating delicious whole foods and workout 30 minutes a day. Simple, not complicated.

- Don't base your results by the # on the scale. Track measurements, how your clothes feel, how much more energy you have, sleeping better, clearer skin, better moods. There are so many ways to see how this lifestyle change will bless your health.

- Lean in to your accountability groups and team mates. I can't imagine doing this without my Dream Big Tribe, my fellow coaches on the team and my accountability partners. We support each other on the highs/lows, celebrate NSV's (non scale victories), inspire each other and fellowship with one another. They are such blessings. 

- Don't be afraid to let your kids see you stumble. Because when they see you stumble, they also see you get back up and finish it through. 

- See what a blessing this chance is. What a blessing it is to be able to go to the grocery store, pick up healthy foods and bring them home to prepare for your family. To have two legs that move, air in your lungs and the freedom to workout in your own home. 

The journey isn't a straight one. There are lots of ups, downs, loopy spins and everything in between. Each day that you wake up and make the choice to continue on this health and fitness journey will get you that much closer to your goals. Don't give up, stick with it. Lean in to your Coach, Accountability groups and keep that "why" in your heart. Don't give up friends! Today is a new day, and a new opportunity to bless your health and serve others. 

Fill out my online form.
HTML Forms powered by Wufoo.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Listening to the signs: It's Reset Time

Have you ever felt like your body was trying to tell you something? Like it was saying "Hey (insert name here), look you and I need to talk. We're not on the same page here."

That's me and my body right now. Ever since we moved a little over a month ago my body has been all over the place. I'm burning a ton of calories out here with our new outdoor homestead work, being on foot more and all that fun stuff but still my body is holding on to everything. I have been eating clean 80% of the time and doing 80% of my workouts and I'm actually gaining weight. I've had some tell tail signs that my body is asking me to regroup and cleanse my system. I did a 3 day refresh recently and felt great after wards for about a week but I could tell my body wanted more than that.

- Low energy (even if I get my normal 6-7 hours of sleep)
- Bags under my eyes
- skin is breaking out
- PCOS symptoms are worse than "normal"
- My rib/disc pain has flared up again from my injury last year.
- Heavy sugar/carb cravings
- Emotions have been all over the place.
- Water retention: And I'm drinking lots of water too!

Do I like putting this all out there for everyone to read? No, but I'm sharing so that maybe if there is someone too out there going through something similar, this might help them too. For those of you that don't know what PCOS is you can read more about it HERE. I was diagnosed at the end of 2009 and it's been something that I have found in the past I can manage the cyst pain with a clean diet, and avoiding processed soy. I am finding though that as I get older the cyst pain is getting worse and that I need to do something to get my body functioning more efficiently. I don't want to be put on hormone supplements or medication, so I have decided to go with a gentler approach...

In comes the Ultimate Reset.

What is the Ultimate Reset?     
Ultimate Reset is a 21-day program that gently helps restore the body to its "factory settings" 
while maximizing energy production and nutrient retention. Ultimate Reset is a program 
designed to get the body in top shape internally, just as a fitness program gets the body in 
top shape externally. Users looking to restore energy, boost moods, and maximize health 
can dramatically improve the way they feel and function.

Who should do the Ultimate Reset program?
Anyone looking to restore energy, lose weight, and maximize health! Whether users have 
been struggling with their health, food cravings, weight, or even just
 experiencing low energy and feeling sluggish, in just 3 weeks anyone
 can dramatically improve the way they feel and function.

In what situations should a user consult their physicians before starting?
Users should consult their physicians if they are using prescribed medication, have food allergies, 
or have specific
recurring health issues.

For 21 Days I'm going to put my coffee away (tears, lol), pause my intense workout (per the programs 
instruction), eliminate processed foods and fill my body with delicious nutrient dense food, minerals
and vitamins.

What do I hope to get out of this program?

- Better sleep
- More Energy
- Minimize my PCOS symptoms and avoid medication 
- Lose the weight I've gained since the move
- Eliminate sugar cravings
 - A healthy, revitalized approach to nutrition.- Reduce flair up pain from my injuries

I think the thing I am most excited about is putting new, nutritious, delicious healthy foods on my
 family's plates! We eat pretty healthy as a family now but I'm excited to introduce new foods to
 them. They won't be doing the program with me. But I plan to encourage the kids to try as many
of the new foods as possible and will be leading by example :)

I'm also very excited to be doing this with a fellow Dream Big Tribe member and dear friend!
These types of programs are really so important to do with an accountability partner. Someone 
that will keep you in check, encourage you and inspire you to keep moving forward!

Speak of doing this with us we don't begin until June 1st! So if you want to join us there is plenty of 
time to make that happen! 

The Ultimate Reset kit is on sale for a special price until the end of May right now. 
You can email me at or you can go HERE for more info 
on how to get started on the Reset! 

I'll be blogging about my 21 Day Journey with my meal prep, food pics, full honest review... the whole thing! So stay tuned for that :) 

Have a blessed day friends,

Monday, May 16, 2016

Recipe: Clean Eats Ranch Dip - 21 Day Fix Approved!

When we begin to adapt habits for a healthy lifestyle change one of the first things we are told is "eat more veggies!" Well it helps to have a delicious dip to eat said veggies with!

I have a 21 Day Fix approved Clean Eats Ranch Dip for that!

This recipe made a huge batch that I made during meal prep that I will be using throughout the week.

Here it is:


1 cup 2% Greek Fage Yogurt - plain
1 tsp Garlic Powder
1 tsp Sea Salt
1/2 tsp Pepper
1/2 tsp Dill
1/2 tsp Parsley

Mix together and BOOM delicious ranch goodness.

This recipe makes 8 servings (2 tbsp each serving).

This recipe would be a great dip to have out for BBQ's over the summer!

Speaking of BBQ's we have a fun new FREE 7 Day Challenge Group that begins a week from today!

Did you know that you are supposed to drink a minimum of 8 
(8oz) glasses of water a day?! It's easy to forget to stay hydrated and get caught up in the business of day to day.

Join us for our FREE 7 Day Water and Healthy BBQ Recipe Challenge! Daily accountability to reach your daily water intake goals and healthy BBQ recipes to use this coming Memorial Day weekend and Summer!
We begin together on Monday 5/23 leading up to Memorial Day! Want to join? Fill out the quick application below to get signed up :)
grin emotic
Fill out my online form.
HTML Forms powered by Wufoo.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Recipe: "Half and Half Spaghetti" - 21 day Fix approved!

When I first started 21 Day Fix I was hesitant because I LOVE me some carbs. I was under the impression that that "tiny" yellow container wouldn't be enough for a serving of pasta. 

Guess what? I was wrong! Today I'm going to share with you my recipe for my new way of eating a delicious hearty bowl of spaghetti!

 Mmm I'm getting hungry just typing this!

Step #1: Take 1 whole zucchini and make zoodles with your spiral maker. I use the "veggetti" and it works great! Next drizzle 1 orange container of the oil of your choice on it. I used Grapeseed Garlic oil I also added 4 fresh basil leaves chopped and tossed lightly in the bowl. Set aside.

Step #2: Start cooking that pasta and ground beef! After my ground beef has finished cooking I push it to the side and turn the burner on low. Then I add my zoodles and toss them frequently for just a few moments. You don't want them to get mushy! 

The smell of ground beef, garlic, basil and zucchini together is AMAZING. My house always smells delicious after I cook this :)

Step #3 (not pictured) take whatever marinara sauce you are using (I used the homemade marinara recipe from the Fixate Cookbook) and heat in a pot. Then it's time to mix your hearty bowl of pasta together! 

1 Yellow of Organic Whole Wheat Pasta
1 Green of the Zoodles 
1 purple of the Marinara Sauce (container not shown here)
1 Red of the ground beef
1 blue of shredded cheese

Step #4: Mix together (I use a larger bowl for this then pour into the bowl I'm eating with) and BAM, a big hearty delicious bowl of Spaghetti!

Step#5: Devour this delicious bowl of spaghetti with knowing you are eating a healthy, portioned, balanced dinner and it tastes like a treat meal!

This recipe is family approved! My kids LOVE it and I love that they are getting a big serving of veggies mixed in to their pasta without any fuss :) As you can see here Lily is a happy camper! 

Want more recipes like this? You can find them by clicking on the image below!

Have a blessed day!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

New Beginning's: Our Moving Weekend

"When we pray, God hears more than we say, answers more than we ask, gives more than we imagine in his own time and in his own way."

I can't believe we already moved almost 3 weeks ago. Where is the time going? We started off our weekend celebrating Carson's 5th birthday. I can't believe our sweet sunshine boy is FIVE years old! We asked him what he wanted to do that day and he said he wanted to go up to the new house, so that's just what we did!

This kids built a giant hot wheels track on the porch while we unloaded and got some moving done. Not our typical birthday celebration kinda day, but he was happy!

In the afternoon we had a big surprise for him...

 His very own tractor!! He was a "tiny" bit excited to say the least. Driving it around is now one of his favorite things to do here during the day.

We ended the day signing him happy birthday and eating some delicious cake that Grandma made. He said it was his best birthday ever <3

The next day was moving day! We were incredibly grateful to see our family at our door that morning to help us make the big move out to the country. Thank you Jesus! And thank you family!

Saturday April 16th marked day 1 of building our forever home on R&M Ranch. We are tired, have lots of work ahead of us but are incredibly thankful for this opportunity God has blessed us with and excited for what the future holds. Thank you to all our family who helped us move and have come out to see us. We love you and appreciate you!❤️

“Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.”
Colossians 2:6-7 ESV

Stay tuned for more updates! :)