Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Hammer & Chisel: Week 3

Week 3 of Hammer and Chisel has come and gone. I can't believe how much my strength and endurance has improved in such a short time. This is the first program since beginning this health and fitness journey where I'm not focused on a "goal weight". Instead I am focusing on strength, my energy level and building lean muscle.   

This week I switched up my eating plan a little bit. Aimed for more protein and water and upped my weights in all but 1 of the workouts. I'm so torn between who's work outs I like better in this program, Sagi or Autumn. Honestly I like them both for different reasons. 

I like the method behind Sagi's workouts, they are calculated, push you and pump you up. I like Autumn's workouts because that girl knows how to kick your butt! (In a good way). I also like your passion, and the way she can get you to step up your game and push just a little harder, or go just a little longer.

This weeks favorite workout was Total Body Chisel. Hello Pistol Squats!

Mid week I got a little surprise in the mail. The new Cafe Latte Shakeology! I may or may not have done a happy dance when I saw the box delivered. ;) In fact I was so excited about it, I had it for dinner that night! Yum.

ISO chisel strength was the last workout of the week. And it almost did me in with those weighted Lunges. Felt great to push through and get it done. One thing I wish I would have done at the beginning of starting this program was start filling out the tracker with what weights I'm using for each workout. I remember for the most part, but the data tracker in me wishes I had it on paper. 

So apparently I move really fast in this workout ;)

Towards the end of week #3 I really started to notice a difference in my legs and the way my pants were fitting. I've lost 2 inches in my hips and am fitting in size 4 jeans that I haven't been able to wear since I was married 7 years ago! Looking forward to what the end results will be on day 60.

Here is Week #3's menu!

Want more info or want to join my Challenge Group? Fill out this quick form below and I'll get back to you within 24 hours and get you in!

Have a Blessed Day!

Sunday, January 24, 2016

When I lost all of my excuses, I found all my results.

I can really relate to this quote. A year and half ago I made the choice on my 29th birthday that I was going to stop making excuses and end my 20's in better shape than I was when I started them. Over that year leading up to my 30th birthday I dropped the excuses that I was a busy working mom of 2 kids under the age of 4. That I didn't have time to take care of myself because on top of that I was actively involved as team mom in my kids team, volunteering at my churches local youth center, family event obligations, photo shoots, etc. etc. etc.

Instead I decided my goals were bigger than any excuses I could come up with. My goal of leading by example for my family and instilling in them that we don't need to have a negative association with how we look. Instead we embrace this one body God gave us and take care of it so we can better serve others and be more present for our loved ones.

It's when I committed to:
- 30 minutes of exercise 5-6 Days a week
- portion control. Making sure I'm eating the right amounts of the right foods
- positive attitude and joyful heart
- Ditching soda
- Accepting the invitation to join a challenge group and show up daily to help myself stay accountable and help others do the same.

On my 30th Birthday I was able to blow out the candles on that cake 35 lbs and 25 inches lost later. All because I dropped my excuses and accepted the choice that was given to me to make a change.

Why am I telling you all this? Not to boast, but to encourage you that as someone who gained and lost 75 lbs TWICE in her twenties...Someone who started and stopped too many diets than I'd like to admit... That no matter how many times you've started and stopped this healthy lifestyle you have the opportunity to stop making excuses today and start taking the actions to make it a reality.

Are you ready to stop making excuses? Ready to not only make that goal but to take the actions to make it happen? Fill out the quick form below and I will get back to you asap so that we can do this together. I want to be that person in your corner and help you on your journey.

Fill out my online form.
Have a blessed day!

Monday, January 18, 2016

The Master's Hammer and Chisel: Week 2

Well hello there! I can't believe it's already day 15 of Hammer and Chisel! As my week #1 blog post said, I'm going to be blogging weekly on my progress with this program and how I'm doing on it! 

I would say about day 12-13 I really started to feel my strength start to increase and my pants feeling looser. My appetite sky rocked this week so I upped my water in take and allowed my self 1 cheat meal (8 pieces of sushi and miso soup, yum). 

Favorite workout of week #2? Definitely Chisel Agility! Wow that one put me through the ringer (in a good way). I think I might be crazy but I really like pistol squats! 

Favorite meal this week?

Fixate Tacos. One word, YUM! This totally hit the spot! I will be posting my Incredible Hulk recipe (topping on the right side) in a new blog post this week. 

I had an "a-ha moment" this week. Instead of having the mentality of "oh man I still gotta do my workout." Change it to "yes! I GET to work out today!" How blessed are we that we are able to take charge of our health and exercise and put clean foods into our bodies?

Woke up this morning on day 15 and took my mid month stats.

In 15 days I've lost

3.8 lbs and 5 inches (including 1 inch off my waist and 1.5 inches off my hips!)


What is 60 days going to bring?

All I know is that I've done every workout, stuck to the eating plan (minus my sushi night) and have taken this as a challenge I will complete. 

Here was week #2's eating plan:
Want to get in on the fun and get in your best shape yet with me? Fill out this quick application before and we'll get you ready to go and into our Challenge Group!

Fill out my online form.

Have a Blessed Day!

Saturday, January 16, 2016

I'm not a robot. - I'm a blessed mess.


For those of you that don't know me, my name is Jenny and I'm a blessed mess. What is a blessed mess you ask? I'm blessed because everyday I am given, is an opportunity to be a light , serve and love others. I'm a mess because I fall short daily and I'm 100% ok with that. 

You're probably asking "Why would you be ok with falling short daily?"

I will respond by saying I'm 100% ok with falling short daily because Jesus is enough.

There are days where the laundry is half finished and the sink is full of dishes.

You might notice a little dust on my mantel. 

And there are days when I leave my meal prepped salad in the fridge and have a burger instead. 

Why am I telling you this? Because when I first became a coach one of the things that God put on my heart was to share the whole journey and not just the highlight reel. 

I don't post my daily sweaty selfies, food pics and motivational posts as a "look at me I've got it all together." 

No, not at all.

I post these things because I want to encourage you and I'm sharing my daily decision to move forward each day finding joy in the motion. Each day is a choice and opportunity to lean into Jesus and trust that He is enough.

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me." 2 Corinthians 12:9

When I stopped expecting myself to fit this "mold" that I thought I needed to be,  it was like taking an elephant off my chest. God gives us each different gifts to use for His glory. We aren't all alike. Which is wonderful! Because with the different gifts we've been blessed with, we are able to encourage and help each other. 

"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace." 1 Peter 4:10

So friends I want to encourage you to not perceive other's highlight reels as a sign you aren't enough or doing enough. We are all on this journey as blessed messes together. Take that energy and put your whole heart into Jesus. I promise you, it's the best thing you could ever do.

"For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God;" Ephesians 2:8

I love you friends. Thank you for taking to time to read this. If I can pray for you or if there is something on your heart you would like to talk about, it would be a blessing to do so with you. You can comment here or send me an email at coachjennym@gmail.com

Have a blessed day,

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The Master's Hammer and Chisel: Week 1

Ever since The Master's Hammer and Chisel was announced at Summit July 2015 I've been excited to take on this 60 day program. Then we the accident happened at the end of September, I wasn't so sure I was going to be able to start this program in December as originally planned. After almost 4 months of 3-5 Dr. appts a week, physical therapy, chiropractor and specialist I finally felt like I could give this program a go after getting permission from my Dr. 

January 4th, 2016 I became this program with fellow coaches and challengers in our Hammer and Chisel Launch Group. First impression on Day 1... this is going to be AMAZING.

What equipment you need: 
- Either a weight bench or stability ball (I'm using the ball)
- weights
- pull up bar or resistance band with door attachment (I'm using the door attachment with band).
- yoga mat

You also need determination, commitment, and to dial in your nutrition, use the color coded containers and follow the easy to follow nutrition plan.

Weekends is when I like to meal prep and plan out the week ahead. I was beginning the 3 Day Refresh on the same day as day 1, So I wanted to be extra prepared. Here is my meals for week #1 of Hammer and Chisel. 

I've found my workout time that I'm able to give it all I got is about 6:30am each morning. It's nice to get it done and be able to start our daily routine afterwards and know that I got my workout in already. It also keeps me motivated to stay on track with my eating the rest of the day.

My favorite part of the workout? Hearing my son say at the end "Alright Mommy you did it!" and getting high fives from my kids. It's a blessing to be able to work out at home with my kids present watching me and participating with me.

Saturday was a double workout day! I got to do a live Turbo Kick workout at Super Saturday (more on that later, different blog post) and then had to still come home and make sure I got my day 6 Hammer and Chisel work out in! I've committed to 60 days of this program, and I'm following it to a T!

What are some of the things I love about this program?

- Every other day the trainer switched, Autumn/Sagi. Keeps it fresh
- The moves, the energy, the gym like feel reminds me of my old school P90x days before getting married. 
- The longest workout I've done to date is 43 mins. On average my daily workout has been about 30-35 minutes tops. 
- Kicks your butt
- Music is great, trains are awesome, the modifier is helpful too!
- color coded containers: same as 21 day fix. Easy to use and gets you results.
- This program is nothing like I've seen or done before. I've completed several BB programs and this is by far my favorite just one week in. I can't wait to see where I will be at the end of the 60 days!

Want to join in on our Hammer and Chisel Challenge Group? You can join us at any time! You can get this program and your first 30 days of Shakeology for $70 only tell Jan 31st!

Check Out These Amazing Specials:

Hammer & Chisel Challenge Pack only $160 (normally $180)!  CLICK HERE to order!

Hammer & Chisel Performance Pack only $160 (normally $180)! CLICK HERE to order! 

I'll be posting at the end of each week tracking my journey with this program and progress. So stay tuned!

 Have a blessed day!

Friday, January 1, 2016

New Cafe Latte Shakeology Flavor - What you need to know about this new flavor coming Jan 11th!

Do you like to add coffee to your Shakeology in the morning? Or maybe you are a coffee lover in general? Well Beachbody heard your requests and on Jan 11th, 2016 it will be available! 

*drum roll please*

Introducing....... Cafeeeeeee Lattte!!

YES! When this was announced last summer I couldn't contain my excitement.

Here is what you need to know about Cafe Latte:

Q: Does Café Latte contain more caffeine than the other Shakeology flavors?

A: NOT AT ALL! The caffeine levels in Café Latte are exactly the same as they are in ALL of our Shakeology flavors. So even though it tastes like coffee, Café Latte contains 75% less caffeine than an 8 oz. cup o’ Joe. (perfect if you are looking for the energy boost of coffee, but trying to cut down on your caffeine consumption.)

 Q: How does it taste?

A: Absolutely amazing! It’s incredibly rich, robust, and creamy with hints of Café and notes of Latte. It truly does taste just like a frozen coffee drink you’d get from a coffee shop, but Café Latte Shakeology has dense superfood nutrition as well.

Q: What makes Café Latte so special?

A: It’s formulated with WHOLE Coffee Fruit*—a coveted superfood powerhouse that’s native to regions of Mexico and India. Coffee fruit is the red fleshy fruit that surrounds what we know to be the coffee bean! Not only does Café Latte taste great, but the use of the entire plant also minimizes Shakeology’s carbon footprint.

Q: What if I don’t want to give up some of the other Shakeology flavors that I love?

A: Then get the Barista Triple Combo Box. This pack contains 24 single-serving packets of Café Latte, Vanilla, and Chocolate (8 per flavor), so you can mix and match your shakes like a true barista.

Q: When does it launch?

A: JANUARY 11, 2016 - Want to get notified as soon as it's available? Fill this out below and I'll put you on the list to be notified as soon as it's officially launched.
Fill out my online form.

Eager to try some coffee deliciousness recipes now? Here is a tasty winter favorite of mine

1 scoop of Chocolate or Vegan Chocolate Shakeology
1/2  cup crushed ice 
8 oz unsweetened almond milk
4 oz cold pressed coffee (or coffee brewed and chilled in the fridge)
1 tsp all natural caramel extract 
1 dash of Himalayan salt. 
- Blend well and drink up!

Have a blessed day!