Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Don't Over Complicate Your 2016 Fit Goals - Create an Effective Action Plan

I've started and stopped writing this blog post several times this week. Just when I know what exactly I want to say "Whoooosh" it's gone. The underlying message I've wanted to convey is that instead of over complicating your health and fitness goals, instead of focusing on the BIG goal you've set for yourself.... Take today as "today" and that's it.

Today I will be mindful of the foods I put into my body.

Today I will get my 30 minute workout in.

Today I will choose to drink water over soda.

Today I will skip the drive thru and pack a healthy lunch.

Today I will be present.

I've have been asked many times what changed, what made it "click" for me to lose the weight this year and improve my health? I'll tell you right now it's been the change in mindset from the "BIG" goal to focusing on the actions that are required each day to reach that big goal I'd set for myself.

How to Create Your  Fit Goal to Action Plan for 2016:

1. Get out a piece of paper and a pen. I say pen and paper because I've learned from experience that actually writing out my goals instead of typing/texting ingrains it into my brain more. 

2. Write out your health and fitness goal for the year. 

3. Write down a list of 5 actions you can do each day you choose to show up and work towards that goal you wrote out above.

Example (Here's mine):

1. Drink my daily Shakeology
2. 30 Minute Workout
3. Use my portion control containers to measure out my foods
4. Track all my food intake on my phone app
5. When in doubt, think of 10 things off the top of my head I'm are thankful for.

4. Now that you have your goal and you 5 actions written out I want you to put that piece of paper and stick it up somewhere you will see every single day. (It could be your mirror, kitchen cabinet, desk bulletin board, etc.)

5. Read that piece of paper every single day.

That's it! It's easy for us all to make a big New Year's Resolution Goal. But it's even easier to stop working on that goal 3 weeks into the year because we don't have action steps in place to actually make that goal a reality. 

Are you ready to make 2016 your healthiest year yet? It would be a blessing/privilege to be your coach and support you in your journey.

Fill out the quick application below and I will get back to you within 24 hours and we can get started together!

Have a blessed day!

Monday, December 21, 2015

New Beginning's Group - Starting 1/4

Good Mooring Friends! Can you believe we are just a few short days away from Christmas?!

Have you made the choice to make healthy changes, do great for a week and then fall off the wagon again? I should be raising both hands because honestly, I've been there more times than I can count.

What changed for me? What clicked in my brain and help me lose 35 pounds? 

Easy to follow portion control eating clean, delicious healthy foods. I cook the same for my family. I don't have to sit there eating something different than them. We all get to enjoy our food together as a family each night. I don't want my kids to remember Mom as always "dieting". Instead I want them to see that it's not the number on the scale it's fueling our body with healthy foods that give us more energy and take care of the body God has given us.

What else made helped me make the change?

Accountability Groups and 30 minutes a day of exercise.

Want to make a healthy change for you and your family? Join me for a "New Beginning's" Challenge group that starts on Mon 1/4.

-Daily Accountability and Support
-Meal Prep Tips

Want to join us? You can sign up today and join us for our prep week kicking off on 12/28 :)

Fill out my online form.
Have a blessed day!

Sunday, December 6, 2015

21 Reason to do 21 Day Fix - Holiday Edition

Earlier this year I wrote a blog post titled "21 Day Reasons to do 21 Day Fix" and it's the most read post on this blog! I'm currently on day 7 of this round with our Holiday Fit Club group and thought this would be the perfect time to do a updated list, Holiday style!  

21 Reasons Why You Should do 21 Day Fix during the Holidays:
  1. Only 30 minutes of exercise a day: You don't have to spend hours at the gym to reach the goals you have. 30 short minutes a day, with a different workout for each day of the week to keep it fresh, interesting and help you get fit! (Total Body Fix, Upper Fix, Lower Fix, Pilates Fix, Cardio Fix, Dirty 30, and Yoga Fix). Perfect for this time of year when we have lots of parties, events, and other things scheduled. 30 minutes is only 2% of our day, we spend more time on social media then that! 
  2. You can still enjoy your favorite Holiday treats in small portions. I know how much you probably love spaghetti with chocolate sauce and sprinkles (I kid, I kid). The easy to follow, simple, clean eating guide and nutrition plan will teach you how to eat in moderation.
  3. Easy to use Color coded portion control containers. Takes all the guess work out of it! And they are dish washer safe/bpa free. Score! 
  4. No Calorie Counting!: Why add stress to your busy holiday season? Theses containers make it so easy to track what you are eating and you don't feel hungry!
  5. You will lose weight! Why wait tell the New Year to lose those 5-10 pounds. I've had some challengers lose 15+ lbs in their first round of 21 Day Fix. Amazing!
  6. Company Christmas Party? No worries! Want to feel great in your favorite Holiday dress? Or maybe you just want more energy to be present for those fun events? By getting your 30 minutes of exercise a day and eating clean you will not only look great but feel great too!
  7. It's only 21 Days. 3 weeks that's it! You could already be well on your way to a healthier you before that ball drops on New Years Eve!
  8. Fun in the Kitchen: Let's face it this time of year invoices cooking lots of potluck dishes, holiday meals and baking cookies and treats! Freshen up your kitchen with fresh produce and get inspired creating healthy dishes that taste delicious for you and your loved ones!
  9. Your clothes will fit better: Hello Holiday Party Dress or favorite skinny jeans with boots!
  10. Support: You get me as your free coach! I will help you stay accountable through the Holiday season and be here for you every step of the way.

  11. No Choreography: Even those that have 2 left feet (like myself) can follow the moves in the workouts! Autumn gives clear, instruction and the workouts go by fast!
  12. Modifier: Whether you are recovering from an injury (and with Dr permission working out) or just need to go at a easier pace to start, the modifier in all 8 workouts is incredible! She's very easy to follow.
  13. Winter Weather doesn't have to hinder your workouts! Got snow? Or maybe it's just too cold outside? I've got a solution to that! You can do all your workouts that are effective, quick and fun in the comfort of your own home. (Saving gas and keeping you warm) Double win!
  14. More Energy! You will have more energy to be present for your loved ones, get your holiday shopping done and making memories! Double boost if you drink your shakeology daily too!
  15. Multiple Rounds: The beauty of this program is you can do as many 3 week rounds as you want! By starting this Holiday season you already have your effective program of choice lined up to do another round come Jan 1st! 
  16. Accountability Groups: Our Challenge Groups are filled with amazing, inspiring and all around wonderful people! Join us for daily accountability, recipes and fellowship!
  17. Share with others: Have your family join in the fun! Its a great opportunity to have family time while everyone improves their health.
  18. There's an app for that! There is a free 21 Day Fix app in the itunes store you can download to keep it simple while you're on the go. Perfect for this busy time of year!
  19. You won't be sorry, I promise. At the end of your 21 Day Fix round you won't be sorry. You will be happy that you did this 
  20. Customize your plan based on your goals. This program is so versatile for everyone's goals!
  21. You have a choice: You get to make the choice to change your eating habits, improve your strength/mode, lose weight and inspire others to do the same! Why wait tell the new year? Today is a great day to start!
I've seen first hand that this program does work! To date I've lost over 30 pounds and 5 pant sizes since beginning my 21 Day Fix journey!

This is just a small bit of the amazing testimonies we've had come out of our 21 Day Fix challenge groups! So proud of all the challengers who I get to do this health and fitness journey with every single day.

So are you ready to take the 21 Day Fix Challenge? Fill out the quick application below and together we will get started on this healthier you!

Have a blessed day!
Fill out my online form.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The Master's Hammer and Chisel is here!

Do you see this face? This is the "I'm so excited Master's Hammer and Chisel has been released" face! When this program was first announced at Summit this summer I knew right away this was the program I wanted to do. 

For the very first time two Beachbody Super Trainers, Autumn Calabrese (21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme) and Sagi Kalev (Body Beast) have teamed up to to create an amazing program designed to help you craft a powerful, defined body. The Master’s Hammer and Chisel is an innovative resistance training system that incorporates three muscle-sculpting phases—Stabilization, Strength, and Power—or SSP Training. Sagi and Autumn will help you efficiently build, chisel, and refine a masterpiece physique in just 60 days.

The Master's Hammer and Chisel program includes:

-12 workouts on 6 DVDs
Sagi and Autumn don't mess around. These workouts are intense, but if you insist on feeling and looking incredible, grab your weights and a bench and get to work.
It's a fact-good nutrition is essential to crafting a masterpiece physique. That's why Sagi and Autumn include a set of 7 portion-control containers and a shaker cup in The Master's Hammer and Chisel program. So whether you want to lean out, sculpt and maintain, or build muscle, you'll see how simple it is to customize your eating plan, portion out your meals, and get the resultsYOU want.
    • Green—Veggies
    • Purple—Fruits
    • Red—Proteins
    • Yellow—Carbs
    • Blue—Healthy Fats
    • 2 Orange—Seeds & Dressings
    • Shakeology® Shaker Cup—Beverages
With this comprehensive guide, we've done all the "heavy lifting" for you. It includes your straightforward eating plan, easy-to-make recipes, and expert tips from Sagi and Autumn on how to get the most out of your workouts.
Your 3-step blueprint for building the body you've always wanted.
For efficient and effective training, the order of your workouts matters. With this calendar, Sagi and Autumn have you covered for the next 60 days.
This intense powerlifting-inspired workout will increase speed, reactive strength, and power.
This core-crusher will transform your midsection, without ever getting on the floor.
#3 - ME as your free Beachbody Coach to keep you accountable
and motivated!

Who's ready to rock 2016 with me and our Hammer and Chisel Launch group
starting 1/4/16?
Equipment needed 

A few dumbbells, a bench or stability ball, and a chin-up bar or resistance band with 
a door attachment kit.  I have the Bowflex adjustable weights and they range 
from 5 to 50 lbs. 

Other options:
1. Stability Ball 
2. Red Resistance Band 
3. Door Attachment 
4. 8-lb. Medicine Ball

Ready to get started? You can order your program now and give yourself the gift of a 
new healthy lifestyle this holiday season! <-------- You can order here!

Comment below or fell free to email me at with any questions!

Salted Caramel Cafe Shakeology Recipe

Happy December 1st, Friends!

 Such a wonderful time of the year! Full of love, joy, thankfulness and all things winter. I'm so excited to share with you a delicious alternative to my favorite Starbucks Drink "Salted Caramel Mocha".

Not only is this delicious but it is FULL of vitamins, probiotics, super-green/phytonutrients, super foods and antioxidants.

 Did I mention that it's SO good? 

1 scoop of Chocolate or Vegan Chocolate Shakeology
1/2  cup crushed ice 
8 oz unsweetened almond milk
4 oz cold pressed coffee (or coffee brewed and chilled in the fridge)
1 tsp all natural caramel extract 
1 dash of Himalayan salt. 
- Blend well and drink up!

Ready to see the crazy difference in nutrients and sugar between this deliciously nutrition dense shake and the coffee shop version? 

58 GRAMS of sugar?!! I can't believe that! Not to mention, hello calories and fat! The protein comparison? The one on the left is full of organic, super protein blend. The one on the right That protein comes from the non organic 2% milk that is used. 

I know which one I'll be having as my breakfast this holiday season! What about you?

Want more info or want to sign up for my free 7 Day "Fit for the Holidays guide? Can you do so here!

Fill out my online form.

Have a blessed day!