Saturday, August 15, 2015

Turning 30, Finding the Balance of a Healthy Lifestyle.

When I started writing this post it was originally going to just be a recap of the wonderful birthday weekend I had and how I feel about turning 30. Then I realized it was more about moderation, and how important it is to balance your nutrition 80/20. 

(80/20 nutrition means 80% of the time you stay on track eating clean foods, and 20% of the time you have things you wouldn't.)

For about 6 months now I've really felt like I've been in a "good groove" with my nutrition, I allow myself one treat meal a week, work out 30 minutes a day, and eat clean at least 80% of the time. Before that, I was stuck in a plateau with my weight loss and was frustrated and not sure what I was doing wrong.

So I became more mindful of tracking my daily intake with my 21 Day Fix tracker app, sticking with mainly lean meats, vegetables and whole foods. I cut out sprite which I was still having a few days a week, made sure I was getting my Shakeology as my breakfast in the morning and got my 30 minutes of exercise in daily.

All this got the scale moving again and I was back on my track to reach 30 lbs lost by my 30th Birthday.

What I also learned during this time period is that it's important to have balance. In the past I have cut ALL "junk" food from my diet. Not allowing splurges here and there. That resulted in me doing well for a few weeks, then I'd crash and burn and eat everything in sight. (yes true story).

So what did I learn? Moderation is the key. It's all about finding the balance. This needs to be a lifestyle change. Something you can maintain for years to come, not just a quick fix crash diet to lose _____ amount of weight in a short time period.

So you know what?

Eat that cake on your birthday.

Enjoy a tasty treat or special dinner out with your family from time to time. I don't want my kids to remember me as always watching what I eat. I want them to remember that I was able to balance a healthy lifestyle,but to not be rigged and restricted 24/7.

"Don't go on a diet. Instead, have a diet you can live with and enjoy for the rest of your life." - Chalene Johnson

The beauty of keeping your nutrition at 80/20 is that you still get all the benefits of eating clean. More energy, weight loss, clearer skin, shinier hair, I could go on and on.. But you aren't going crazy at the thought of never getting to eat your favorite cheeseburger again. 

Mmmmm Ahi Tuna mini tacos.....

Wait what was I talking about?

Oh yes, balance, moderation, making it a lifestyle change.

So don't beat yourself up when you have a treat meal from time to time. That's ok. What counts is what you do the next meal, the next workout.. Enjoy that treat meal and then dial back in your nutrition and keep moving forward.


1 year ago I set out to be the healthiest I've ever been going into my 30's. Was it smooth sailing this entire year? No, I had my speed bumps. With consistency, support and accountability I didn't give up though. I kept pushing forward towards the goal and I reached that 30 lb weight loss mark 1 month before my birthday. 

I thought I'd be dreading entering my 30's.. the truth? I'm excited for it! Excited to see what is to come, to begin a new chapter. I'm humbled and thankful for this life God has given me. 

My goals for my 30's? 

To be balanced, spend time with my family, make new memories with them.

To Serve Others, share God's Grace and Truth.

To pay it forward.

So I encourage you to seek balance as you create a healthier lifestyle for your self and your families! Make it something that is attainable for you in the long run.

Message me below or email send me at if you would like to talk. I would love to be their to help encourage and support you on your own journeys to a healthier, more balanced life.

Have a blessed day!

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