Friday, August 12, 2016

Dream Big: Coach Summit 2016 Nashville Recap

2 weeks ago I was off on an adventure I had been dreaming and planning for over a year.

 If you had asked me even 18 months go there's no way I would have even thought that I'd be off to Nashville by myself spending the weekend with ladies of a team I helped create surrounded by 20,000 + other people who shared the same passion I had. Say what?!

God had plans (as usual) for my life that I did not see or expect.

I am so thankful for that.

Instead of writing a novel on the entire recap of Summit, I'm going to share some of my favorite moments instead.

(Stepping off the plane and getting to give this beautiful woman on the righht here a hug was amazing! Long story short, we've actually been online friends for over 8 years and have NEVER met in person. Ashley you are so dear to me! Business partner, dear friend, accountability partner... I could go on and on. I thank God daily that he put us in each other's  lives!)
Live workout with Autumn Calabrese! We got to workout live with Autumn and do the "Chisel Agility". Oh my goodness, wow! It was crazy fun, intense and we sweated, A LOT. Definitely a highlight of the trip!

Getting to be with my coach Michelle! She's been an incredible mentor and friend to me over this past year and we hadn't seen each other since 2009 in person. It was a very LONG over due hug for sure! 

The sight seeing! I didn't get to do much of it because we were on the go so much in and out of workshops, general sessions, events, etc. But what little I did get to see of Nashville outside was pretty cool! This San Diego girl couldn't get over how GREEN everything looked ! LOL

The CORE: Oh my goodness so many pretty things I wanted to buy haha. All the latest apparel, gear and more was inside that Core. Ashley and I had so much fun exploring we had to go not once but twice while we were there. I was also able to pick up my Country Heat kit before it had even started shipping. Whoot!

The Shakeology Bar; Need I say more? Ashley and I had so much fun getting our daily dose of delicious dense nutrition to fuel our jam packed days! My favorite recipe I had was Friday's special "Honey Nut Latte" that you can find HERE.

General Sessions and Workshops: I filled my brain, heart and notebook up with so many amazing take aways from these sessions! What did I hear over and over again? Servant heart, servant heart servant heart. Help others without expecting anything in return. Be a light, be an encourager. 
I can tell you that leaving those sessions each day I felt very encouraged and inspired to keep going in the direction that we are going with the Dream Big Tribe.

80's Night/Billy Idol Concert: Because who doesn't like dressing up in fun clothes, wearing glow necklaces and rocking out? LOL

Our work at the house sessions and our Coach Sneak Peek Q&A we hosted on 2 LIVE formats. Ashley and I streamed a live Q&A inside our Dream Big Tribe group on FB AND on Zoom Thursday night. We had been planning for this for months and we gotta say it was pretty amazing! Over 150 of our DBT ladies tuned in. 

Morning workout at the house with the ladies! We got our Country Heat on! I think we burned half our calories laughing and the other have learning the moves. Needless to say, it was fun.

Sharing the same flight home with creator of Shakeology & Ultimate Reset, Darin Olien. I got to personally thank him for how the Ultimate Reset helped me rid several of my PCOS symptoms without having to go on medication. This former breakfast skipper is in the best health of her life with the help of Shakeology and the tools I've learned from the reset. 

Summit is over. 5 days, 4 nights, non stop team building, dreaming, learning and growing. I remember sitting at the airport trying to digest it all. Now more than ever I am excited to pour into the Dream Big Tribe, encourage others and help them with their health and wellness goals. 

I never want anyone to think I have it all figured out when it comes to being healthy. I will never pretend to know more than I do. I will always be honest, real, and share the highs, lows and the hallways. In my 20's I gained and lost over 70 lbs twice. It wasn't until I was coming up on 30 did I realize I needed to make a change. I needed to stop chasing the magic pill and jumping from one thing to the next. 

I needed to commit to a long term healthy lifestyle change. My husband, our two awesome kids inspire me daily. They are my why, the reason I am doing this. I used to think by taking time for me was being selfish, that as a mom I wasn't allowed to have that anymore. 

I've now found that by taking those 30 minutes a day to workout, to make healthier choices with my food... I am able to pour more into my family.... because I have more energy! I'm happier, healthier and more passionate about the future than I ever have been.

I thank God everyday for this opportunity, I know it's gift and I plan to give it back every chance I get.

So, to sum it up. Summit was amazing. I missed my family like crazy, and I'm so happy to be home. Next year I'll be in New Orleans with even more ladies from our growing team. It's gonna be awesome, because we'll be together.

Is it on your heart to make a change? Are you ready to take a step forward and make the goals you've only thought about in the back of your mind, that you've been too afraid to speak up about a reality?

I want to help. I want to do this with you.

Will you reach out to me? I'm here and excited to begin this journey with you.

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Have a blessed day,

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