Tuesday, April 26, 2016

#FitFunPhotoaDayChallenge for May!

Who's ready to have some fun and get fit in the process? 
smile emoticon
We are just a few days away from beginning our first ever ‪#‎Hashtag‬Challenge! This challenge will spread out between Facebook and Instagram! Join us each day for a check in post and share your pic for the theme for the day. There will be daily accountability, recipes, workout tips/videos and a printable calendar for you to track your months progress!
Click the link below to RSVP 

Want a sneak peek of what our daily pic themes will be? Check out the mini version of our calendar below!

We hope you will be joining us! 

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Take a Spring Break from Bad Eating habits

Committing to a healthy lifestyle change is a daily choice it's not something you can commit to for a day and then "poof you are the healthiest person of all time" (being a little extreme here, lol). Like all things, it takes consistency, will power and determination. 

Have you started and stopped eating clean more than you can count? Do great for a day or so and then fall back into old habits? 

I have a 3 Day Plan that will help you spring clean those bad eating habits and jump start your towards your health and fitness goals!

Join me in a private group for 3 days as we reset our eating habits, following simple delicious eating plan, daily inspiration, motivation and accountability. A few days before we begin I will be sharing daily video messages giving you tips on how get prepped for this 3 Day Refresh, and posture your heart and mind to make this healthy lifestyle change.

Interested in joining us? Fill out the form below and I'll get in touch with you asap to get you fired up and ready to begin!

Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Getting Back on the Wagon - It's a Choice.

For those of you that know me personally or have been following my pics on social media know my family and I just moved from the city to the country side. We up rooted our family from a townhome with no yard to 38 acres of Homestead. Some would say extreme (including me, lol) but we also say it's an adventure! We are very excited to create our forever home on this land and make it something for our kids to grow up on full of memories and life experiences.

Tonight's blog isn't about that though, it's about the choice we can make to recommit and get back on the wagon. 

I will admit right here and now that Jenny, the coach, the one that works out daily, eats clean has fallen off course. These past couple weeks have been lots of moving, repairs, getting our house ready to sell, escrow, packing, more packing, etc. Our routine has been off and it's been hard for me to stick with my current program 22 Min Hard Corp and give it the best effort that I want too give it. We still have lots of work a head of us as we are preparing to build our new house, adjusting to living in a cabin, repairs on the land, and so on. I could keep eating sporadic meals and slice of pizza because it's convenient, or I can make the choice to begin again and get back on the wagon.

I don't mean "band wagon" I mean lacing those shoes back up, getting my meal prep on and jumping back into a routine again. 

Life can be messy, we have seasons, chapters and events in our life that can take us off course from our goals. That's a reality. But we have a choice whether or not we are going to let that get us back into old unhealthy habits or not. 

When I became a coach I promised myself that I wouldn't just show the "high light reel" of a healthy lifestyle. I wanted to be candid, and share the whole story, not just the "after pics". So here it is, my public pledge that I am officially "back on the wagon" and ready to rock this 8 week round of 22 Min Hard Corp. 

Are you ready to get back on the wagon with your healthy lifestyle changes? Here are 5 things you can do starting right now to get back on track.

1. Calendar/Schedule out your workouts. What ever program you are following print out a copy of that calendar (you can find them in pdf form on your Beachbody On Demand or type/write out your own) and post it on your fridge. Each day you will check off that workout once it's been done. This will help keep you motivated because you'll feel accomplished each time you get to check off another box.

2. Meal Prep Time! Pick a day each week as your designated meal prep day. For my family it's Sunday afternoons. I'm able to prep out lunches and snacks for the whole week ahead. You can read how I go about this HERE

3. Drink your Shakeology everyday. Seriously this stuff is my jam. It's delicious, tastes like a chocolate milkshake but I'm really getting a ton of super foods, probiotics, protein, my daily vitamin, energy boost (bye bye afternoon coffee fix) and it curbs my sweet tooth. Need I say more?

4. Accountability Partner/Group: I run challenge groups because I know from personal experience how beneficial they are to this journey. I became a coach because I fell in love with the aspect of a challenge group. You get daily accountability, inspiration, motivation and you make friends that are there right along side you cheering you on.

5. Consistency. Sounds easy enough right? Whether you were on point with your eating all day or not, you show up again tomorrow and put your best effort in again. And again and again. this isn't a quick fix. This is a lifestyle change. 

I hope these 5 tips will help you get back on the wagon as you start to work towards those health and fitness goals you've set for yourself! I would LOVE to be that person in the corner for you helping you stay accountable, inspired and excited to reach your goals. 

If you are ready to do this fill out the items below and let's get to moving together! :)

Use Wufoo integrations and get your data to your favorite apps.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

First Weekend at R&M Ranch

Last weekend we had the blessing to go out and spend 2 nights in the Cabin we will be living in the next few months while our house is built. Our plan for the weekend was to get as much prep work done around there as we can. And to bring up a large load of tools and other items we'll need to do some repairs on the land before we move in 2 weeks later. 

Carson was a "tiny" bit excited to say the least. It was pretty cute, I had already packed all the clothes we'd need (and then some) for the weekend. He came upstairs when it was time to go with his backpack stuffed with 2 pairs of jammies for him and Lily, and he packed snacks. Love that boy so much and his heart.

One of the things I love about our land is that it's only about 5 minutes off the freeway. But once you hit that dirt road leading into our property it feels like you are out in the middle of no where. So quiet, beautiful, and peaceful. 

(Pic on the Left: Back road in/ Pic on Right: Front side in)

The kids "loft" in the cabin. I'm really excited to make this room extra special for them while our house is being built. First night sleep up there was a little rough for Lily. New place, excitement, she just didn't want to go to sleep! I ended up sleeping up there with them this weekend. I think they enjoyed that :)

First morning up there was my favorite. Carson and I were the first to be awake and we quietly went downstairs, snuggled up under a blanket, read a train book and watched the sun rise over the mountains together. I'll never forget that moment, it's something I'll always treasure. Thank you Jesus!

Breakfast on the porch, it was so beautiful outside!

While Hubby and the Grandparents worked hard, my job was to keep these kiddos busy and we worked on organizing the cabin. We even took a few trips hauling material in the golf cart, the kids loved that.

That's our girl. She's totally in her element.

Carson calls this "rock climbing" and he'd do it all day if I let him.

An old Fire pit ring we found on the land. Grandpa used it to make us a new fire pit.

How we ended night #2. Our campfire was literally the only light past the cabin, the stars are so bright out there. It's amazing to see God's canvas like that.

(Board games with Grandma)

Lily checking out the pantry/solar panel conex box.

I shot a gun for the first time this weekend on our shooting range! Never thought that would happen.

This was a major proud mama moment for me. We were all working hard on Sunday to finish up chores so we could head back down the mountain to town. Carson said he wanted to help, got a broom and went and swept every step leading up to cabin without being asked. He said "Mom I made it safe for everyone to walk on!" (tears) I'm so thankful for this boys heart, his desire to help and he's excitement for this new chapter of our lives.

Our first weekend was a success! Great weather, no problems, lots of team work and memories made. I can't believe that in less than 2 weeks this land will be our forever home. Stay tuned for many blog post and updates on the journey to building our homestead, house and adventures. 

With love,