Thursday, April 21, 2016

Take a Spring Break from Bad Eating habits

Committing to a healthy lifestyle change is a daily choice it's not something you can commit to for a day and then "poof you are the healthiest person of all time" (being a little extreme here, lol). Like all things, it takes consistency, will power and determination. 

Have you started and stopped eating clean more than you can count? Do great for a day or so and then fall back into old habits? 

I have a 3 Day Plan that will help you spring clean those bad eating habits and jump start your towards your health and fitness goals!

Join me in a private group for 3 days as we reset our eating habits, following simple delicious eating plan, daily inspiration, motivation and accountability. A few days before we begin I will be sharing daily video messages giving you tips on how get prepped for this 3 Day Refresh, and posture your heart and mind to make this healthy lifestyle change.

Interested in joining us? Fill out the form below and I'll get in touch with you asap to get you fired up and ready to begin!

Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

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