Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Recipe: Crockpot Chicken Noodle Soup

I love this time of year! One of my favorite go to crockpot recipes is this delicious Chicken Noodle Soup. It makes the house smell amazing, and it's a comfort food to eat on chilly days. 

Serves 8 (great for left overs)

- 2 boneless skinless chicken breasts (frozen)
- 32 oz of low sodium chicken broth
- 8 oz water 
- 3 carrots chopped/sliced
- 2 celery stalks chopped/sliced
- 1/2 onion diced
- 1 1/2 cups of whole wheat or gluten free macaroni pasta
- salt and pepper to taste. 

Place frozen chicken in the pot. Then add vegetables and liquid. Season with salt and pepper, and then cook on low for 6 hours. After 6 hours take a fork or a spatula and break apart the chicken breasts tell shredded. Add dry macaroni, put the lid back on and let it cook another 30 minutes. Stir well and serve :)

Want more recipes like this? 

Join our free 6 Day Crockpot challenge that starts Oct 5th! Breakfast, lunch and dinner recipes, inspiration, accountability and more! Email me today at coachjennym@gmail.com to get signed up. 

Have a blessed day!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Change Nothing and Nothing Changes

"If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn't sit for a month." - Theodore Roosevelt

Can anyone relate to that quote? I know I sure can. 

As humans we have a tendency to get in our own way. It's easier to feel comfortable and complacent instead of getting uncomfortable and growing. 

I relate this to several different aspects of life, but tonight I'm going to talk about our physical health. 

We only get one body. That's it. 

So why not take care of that one body?

In our society today we are constantly being bombarded with fast food ads, junk food, sugary drinks and treats at our finger tips. TV Commercials, website ads, Billboards... junk food, it's EVERYWHERE in America.

You know what else is near all those fast food places? Grocery Stores. Yep. Grocery stores full of produce, lean meats and other clean foods. So that excuse is debunked!

Now I know another big excuse is that it's cheaper to buy fast food and its more convenient....  I hear you, I'm guilty of thinking that before too. 

In reality. You will actually SAVE money each month by cutting out fast food and buying whole clean foods and prepare them yourselves. So that excuse is officially debunked too!

We are now in the 9th month of the year, are you feeling frustrated that you haven't reached the goals you made for your physical health at the beginning of the year?

These are the things that will get you the results that you want:

1. Cutting out Processed/Junk Food (This includes soda)

2. Drinking Water - at least 64 oz daily

3. Getting 30 minutes of exercise 5 days a week (this is 2 % of your day, we spend more time scrolling FB then that).

4. Consistency: This isn't a quick fix. This is a lifestyle change. You have to show up daily to get the results that you want to get.

5. Accountability - Whether it be your spouse, your friend, your parent, a challenge group... having that daily accountability will help keep you motivated and you will be less likely to quit.

That's it. It really is simple. Anyone can do this. This is a lifestyle change that will give you back your health... More Energy, lower Cholesterol/Blood pressure, clearer skin, better moods, your clothes will fit better, you will want to do more positive things and help others. 

So what's stopping you? What's that road block that you keep putting in your own way? I encourage you to take a pen and paper and write it down. Write out your thoughts on why you can't seem to stick with a healthy lifestyle plan. Then read it over, a few times.. Pray about it, maybe talk to someone about it and get their feed back. I know this can be uncomfortable, but if you want to grow and thrive you have to get good and uncomfortable to make that happen.

You can do this. I know you can. 

Are you looking for a change, not sure of where to start? Please email me, I would love to talk to you. I'm on this daily journey too.


Have a Blessed Day,

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Recipe: Asian Vinaigrette from Fixate Cookbook

I love making homemade dressings for several reasons. 

1. You get to decide what ingredients go into it
2. No Preservatives 
3. Saves Money
4. It's fun!

I tried out a recipe for an Asian Vinaigrette from the new Fixate Cookbook and was pleasantly surprised! I made a big batch of it and have been using it ALL week.

Here is the Recipe for you to try for yourself!

Asian Vinaigrette Recipe:

Serves 8 (2 TBSP each), Prep Time: 10 minutes

21 Day Fix Container Equivalent: 1 orange

1/3 cup Rice Vinegar
1/3 reduced sodium soy sauce (I used Coconut Aminos instead)
1 tbsp raw honey 
2 tsp freshly grated ginger
5 TBSP Toasted Sesame Oil

1. Combine vinegar, soy sauce, honey and ginger in a medium bowl and whisk to blend.
2. Add Oil while whisking and mix well.
3. Store in the refrigerator, covered.

I've drizzled this over 3 salads over the past 3 days and I can't wait to make more of this dressing! 

Want more recipes like this? Want to know more about Fixate Cookbook and how it can help you prepare healthy quick meals for you and your family? Fill out this quick form and I will get back to you asap:
Use Wufoo templates to make your own HTML forms.

Have a blessed day!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

3 Day Plan to Get Back on Track

This past week I did a 3 day Refresh. I thought it was time after the summer that had a few cheat meals, a mini vacation and busy schedule to get myself back on track before the holiday season. 

What is the 3 Day Refresh you ask?

It's a 3 day eating plan that is vegan, that focuses on getting veggies, healthy fats, fiber and high density nutritional shakes. It's a detox that eliminates all animal protein (including dairy) and processed foods from your diet for 3 days. And it helps reboot your digestive system, and jump start your weight loss goals. 

And the best part? I never felt hungry, not once. I never felt shaky or super tired. It was easy to follow and I still got to EAT which is nice :)

Eat day my meals consisted of 3 shakes a day, tea, veggies with healthy fats 3x and you are allowed 2 servings of fruit (which I did not eat). There are recipes included to use for your dinners as well. 

5 Signs that you need a detox:

1. Low Energy

2. Bad Sleeping Habits/Patterns

3.Bloating/Lack of Weight-loss

4. Foggy Brain

5. Food Cravings

(One meal not shown, dinner. We had a family birthday and ate out at a restaurant. I stuck to my plan and ate a plain salad with avocado. And had oil and vinegar on the side for dressing :) )

On Day 4 I woke up after having the best sleep I've had in weeks. Feeling alert, clear headed, not bloated and feeling good.

3 Days and I lost 3.8 lbs and 1 inch of my hips. What's really better than that though is the clear-headedness and the sleep quality I got! 

I'm  a girl that likes to eat every few hours, and was unsure how well I'd be able to do this. However this was very doable as a busy working Mom and will be doing another one of these every few months!

It's motivated me keep up with my clean eating, load up on water and to limit processed foods and dairy.

If you are trying to get a jump start on your weight loss/fitness journey, at a plateau or just wanting to boost your progress so far... This is a great healthy way to do it! For the month of September there is a special deal to get Refresh for an amazing value!

Want more info on what this 3 Day Refresh is? You can check it out here:

Comment below with your email address or email me at CoachJennyM@Gmail.com for more information!

3 Day Refresh Challenge Pack with Shakeology is on Sale this month! Want to check it out? Go HERE

Have a Blessed day!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Low Impact, High Intensity

When I was pregnant with my son Carson I developed pretty severe sciatica pain in my 2nd trimester. I was told by the Dr.'s that it was the way he was sitting inside there, pinching a nerve and that it would go away after he was born.

It never did. 

I would have time periods when it wasn't as bad, then I would have flair ups where it was painful to just lay down on that side of my back/side. I would get numbness on that side of my body and sharp shooting pains. Fast forward to when I was pregnant with my daughter it got worse again, it would be so bad some days I dreaded walking. I did ice, stretched.. nothing seemed to work. 

It was worth it though, I would take that pain any day of the week for my kiddos. :)

It wasn't until earlier this year that I really notice that my flair ups were farther in between. I was eating clean, and doing Piyo 4-5 days a week. It was with the low impact, high intensity moves that I was able to gain flexibility, strength the muscles around my sciatic nerves and manage my flair ups.  

What is Piyo?

Piyo is a low impact, fun, challenging workout that fuses pilates and yoga. You burn calories, tone muscles, work on balance and gain flexibility! 

With Piyo you:

~Get the results of an extreme program without straining your joints.

~Lose weight and burn fat without the high impact jumps or complex choreography.

~Build lean muscle! Piyo's pace of continuous movement, nonstop transitions, and powerful athletic moves will help you sculpt long lean muscles without building bulk.

~You will never get bored! Piyo comes with 8 individual workouts that will challenge you at every level to maximize fat loss and tone your body.

~Modified moves makes Piyo doable for anyone! Even if you haven't worked out in years, Piyo has a modifier that is easy to follow.

~No equipment required! You use the body that God gave you :)

~Nutrition Plan included: Easy to follow and effective.

When I can feel my sciatic nerve flaring up, my go to fix is a few days of doing Piyo. I always keep Piyo in my rotation of workouts because it's effective. easy to follow, has helped me build lean muscle and eliminate aches and pains. 

Want to preview what Piyo is? You can do so here:

Have questions? Want more info? Send me an email at CoachJennyM@gmail.com

Have a blessed day!
