Monday, July 11, 2016

The life of a kid at R&M Ranch

One thing I get asked most often about our new homestead life is what do the kids do all day and do they like it? So here are a few things that the kids get to do here at R&M Ranch...

They help gather and collect eggs. Carson who's 5 also enjoys helping clean out the chicken and turkey pins on farm cleaning days. Lily has been known to crack a few eggs or two by "gently" setting them down. 

Tractor rides with Daddy. When Daddy is driving the tractor and working on the farm the world stops and these kids are in awe. They love watching him drive that tractor and bonus points when they get to actually ride on it with him.

They bring the goats banana peels, or greens from the scraps bowl in the kitchen. The goats especially enjoy those banana peels when batman brings it to them. 

They help plant things! Carson has big hopes for his first pumpkin patch. We're just hoping the seedlings last the summer so we can make that happen :)

When Grandpa and Daddy use an auger to bury stanchion polls you get to climb into said hole first.

Lily spends most of her days dressing herself to match her spunky personality, picking flowers and bouncing around like Tigger. We wouldn't have it any other way.

The kids are learning how to take care and be kind to all animals. Their favorite animal is the newest member of R&M Ranch... Bessie the cow :) Carson goes down and helps Grandma and Grandpa most mornings and evenings milk the cow and bring her food.

Impromptu dirt road runs while wearing jammies at sunset. 

Morning walks with Mommy. We try to at least walk the 1/2 mile loop around our Oak Grove each morning. We like to look for pretty birds, flowers and bugs (those aren't pretty).

There's also tire swinging with Bessie...

lots of dirt to mow...

And tractor driving to do...

At the end of each day the kids come inside to be washed up, I get to kiss their dirt smeared faces, put them in fresh jammies, and we get to sit around the table, pray and enjoy a meal together as a family. And I wouldn't have it any other way <3

With Love,

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