Friday, June 26, 2015

21 Day Fix and 21 Day Extreme Results

Good Morning Everyone! Rise and Shine :) 

I wanted to share with you about 21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme and why they've worked for me. I've been an avid Beachbody customer for going on 8 years now and when Autumn joined BB as a Trainer I wasn't sure what to expect of her new program 21 Day Fix. I took the plunge in mid August 2014 right after my birthday. I realized this was my last year of my 20's and I wanted to go into my 30's healthy, with more energy to run around and chase my kids and to be a more positive person. 

When I started 21 Day Fix my son was 3 1/2 and my daughter was 7 months old. They keep me very busy/along with working from home. On a good day was fortunate enough to have 30 minutes straight to get a work out in. I was struggling to get through my Turbo Fire or Insanity work outs because my 7 month old would just be DONE in her saucer 35- ish minutes in.  I was also burnt out on calorie counting. I was faithfully plugging in EVERYTHING I ate all day/everyday into and not loosing weight. I was frustrated and felt like I was never going to loose this pregnancy weight.

That's where 21 Day Fix came in!

(Picture includes both 21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme work out's)

I did 2 back to back round of 21 Day Fix (6 weeks total), drank Shakeology everyday and I could feel myself gaining more energy, my clothes were fitting better, I was happier and person.

I lost 16 pounds, 9 inches and went down 2 pant sizes.

The best part though was I wanted to run around and play with my kids more. And as a Mom of 2 under 4 (which means I don't sleep a lot), who also works, and juggles life itself, this was a huge blessing for me. 

Why this Program works for me:

  • Workouts are only 30 minutes a day. (And those 30 short minutes kick my butt EVERY-TIME)
  • No calorie counting, NONE. Whoo hoo! I was so burnt out on calorie counting.
  • Portion control eating with your colored containers that come with the kit. (This was huge for me, here I was frustrated that I wasn't losing weight even though I was working out semi-regularly and tracking all my food. Yet no weight loss. It was my portions that were the issues. Once I took the time to measure my proper servings in my colored containers, and pushing play everyday for 30 minutes to do the work outs. It clicked and the weight started to fall off.)
  • Autumn (the trainer) is motivation, personable and she kicks your butt!
  • It's only 3 weeks. 21 days everyone, that's it. It takes that long to make a habit. So why not spend those 3 weeks creating new healthier habits for you and your family?
  • The kids can do it too! (My 4 year old son loves to pick up two trains, pretend they are weights, and work out right a long side me. I'm getting my work out in, my son is involved and I'm getting to spend a little extra time with him doing something that will better us both. Win!)
What comes in the 21 Day Fix Essentials package:
  • 8 easy to follow workouts (that will majorly kick your butt)
  • Your 21-day portion control system: You get 7 containers, a Shakeology Shaker Cup and a beautiful eating plan Guide that will walk you through exactly what you need to do to get started, recipes, tips and help you calculate the proper amounts of food you need each day to reach your goals.
  • Quick Start Guide and 3 Day Fix 
  • Bonus Workout: By ordering exclusively through your coach you get a bonus work out called "Plyo Fix". This is my favorite work out in the program, it will kick your butt in under 30 minutes and give you the work out you need to help reach your goals!
And you get ME as your Coach! (Hopefully you are excited about this, lol) I have 2 rounds of 21 Day Fix, and 3 rounds of 21 Day Fix Extreme under my belt and have learned lots of tips and tricks, recipes to help with your results. I am here to motivate you and encourage you :)

If you would like more info or have any questions send me a email at or you can check out the program itself

Have a blessed day!


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