So you may or may not know but a little over 2 weeks ago I broke my big toe. I slipped down the stairs and caught my self at the bottom of the stairs with my big toe curled under my foot and landed about 80% body weight and felt a SNAP. The tendon snapped a piece of bone off on my big toe and it's all kinds of messed up now. For the next 6+ weeks I'm in a boot that goes up to right below my knee and there is a chance of surgery needed because the bone doesn't seem to want to go back into place.
For the past 2 + weeks I haven't done any workouts and I gotta say I miss them. I've struggled to find something I can do without straining my foot and was really happy when I came across Cassey Ho's Blogilates youtube channel! There is a chunk of her workouts I CAN'T do but there are SO many that I can! Since I can't really follow one set calendar because of the modifications I need to make I decided to make my own and share it with you!
*Note: If you see her up on her toes in a plank I will be modifying by being on my knees.
My goal is 20 minutes a day, 5 x a week. I don't want to risk hurting my foot further, so I will be really watching form.
Here are the workouts I will be doing:
Upper Body:
Upper #1; Blogilates: Toned & Defined Arms Workout! No weights needed! - 8 mins
Upper #2: Blogilates: Toned Arms + Flat Abs | Apartment Friendly Workout - 13 mins
Upper #3: Blogilates: Ultimate Back Workout | 5 Moves to Your Fittest Upper Body - 9 mins
Upper #4: Blogilates: Sexy Toned Arms Workout | 5 Moves to Your Fittest Arms - 9 mins
Upper #5: Blogilates: Complete Arms Workout (At Home No Equipment Exercise Routine for your Arms) - 12 mins
Upper #6: Blogilates: Arm Fat Blaster | POP Pilates for Beginners - 15 mins
Upper #7: Blogilates: Weightless Arm Workout | POP Pilates - 9 mins
Upper #8: Blogilates: Quick Burn Standing Back Workout! No equipment, at home, back toning exercises! - 6 mins
Abs #1: Blogilates: Total Ab Workout | 5 Moves to Your Fittest Core - 8 mins
Abs #2: Blogilates: Goodbye Muffintop Workout (At Home No Equipment Exercise Routine for your Obliques) - 15 mins
Abs #3: Blogilates: Core Crusher | HOT BODY EXPRESS DVD - Best Ab Workout! - 11 mins
Abs #4: Blogilates: 28 DAY AB CHALLENGE #AdoreTheCore - 12 mins
Abs #5: Blogilates: Lower Abs Song Challenge | POP Pilates - 6 mins
Abs #6: Blogilates: 8 min Abs & Obliques Workout! Swimsuit Slimdown Series - 8 mins
Lower Body:
Lower #1: Blogilates: Lift Your Booty Workout | 5 Moves to Your Fittest Butt - 8 mins
Lower #2: Blogilates: Butt Workout for a Nice Shaped Booty! (At Home Glute Exercise Routine for Women) - 12 mins
Lower #3: Blogilates: Butt Lifting & Thigh Sculpting Workout | POP Pilates for Beginners - 17 mins
Lower #4: Blogilates: Quick Burn SADDLEBAGS Slimdown! Best Outer Thigh Workout! - 10 mins
Lower #5: Blogilates: BRUTAL BOOTY! At-Home Pilates Butt Workout! - 10 mins
Stretch #1: Blogilates: Total Body Stretch (At Home Exercise Routine to Improve Flexibility) - 12 mins
Here is my Schedule for the next 4 weeks:
Week #1:
Mon: Upper #6 & Abs #5
Tues: Lower #1 & Abs #4
Wed: Upper #2 & Lower #4
Thurs: Upper #8 & Abs #2
Fri: Lower #2 & Stretch #1
Sat: Rest
Sun: Rest
Week #2:
Mon: Upper #4 & Lower #3
Tues: Abs #2 & Lower #2
Wed: Upper #1 & Abs #4
Thurs: Lower #5 & Upper #3
Fri: Abs #6 & Upper #2
Sat: Rest
Sun: Rest
Week #3:
Mon: Upper #8 & Lower #3
Tues: Abs #2 & Upper #2
Wed: Abs #4 & Lower #1
Thurs: Upper #6 & Abs #5
Fri: Lower #5 & Upper #3
Sat: Rest
Sun: Rest
Week #4:
Mon: Lower #3 & Upper #2
Tues: Upper #7 & Abs #4
Wed: Lower #1 & Abs #4
Thurs: Abs #6 & Upper #2
Fri: Lower #2 & Stretch #1
Sat: Rest
Sun: Rest
Want to join me? I will be sharing about it daily over at my Facebook Page and Instagram!
Click the icons above to head on over there.