Tuesday, October 25, 2016

New Mixed Martial Arts Workouts - What is this Core de Force I keep hearing about?

You may or may not be wondering... "What the heck is this Core de Force Jenny keeps talking about?!"

Yes? No? Ok well I'm going to tell you anyway. (insert tongue out emoji here)

To say I am excited about the brand new Beachbody home fitness program that is launching October 31st is an under statement. When I first heard news of this while at Coach Summit in Nashville in July I knew, I had to do this program. I'd never seen anything like it.

Core de Force is a 30 day total body transformation program that will not only get you fit, but help you do it with simple nutrition. One of my favorite parts of this program? ZERO equipment needed and you don't need a whole lot of space to do it!

This MMA inspired program includes 3 minute "rounds" where you go at your own pace and kick. Muay Thai, kickboxing, boxing, knee-elbow combinations and body weight training topped off by cardio spikes that will rev up your metabolism and help you destroy the fat! Can you give it all you got for 3 minutes at a time? If so that workout will be over before you know it and you'll be that much closer to getting the results you want. 

I had the opportunity to try out MMA Speed twice this month and let me tell you. It was amazing! I'll let you kno on a secret... I REALLY don't like crunches/floor ab work. Yep I said it. So to finish a 30 minute workout with my abs on fire without a single crunch? Sign me up, and when can I start? lol

Want some inspire details on the Nutrition Plan and the program? Check out my behind the scenes video here:

So you checked out all the details and your interested in a fresh start, something different that will help you break your plateau or even just get started on your journey? Ready for accountability over the holiday season that will help you go into 2017 feeling better than the same time last year?

I am going to be hosting a private test group for people who are ready to commit to 30 days program. I would LOVE to see you in it joining me side by side as we go through the first 30 days of this program together!

Want to see some results? They are pretty amazing!

Amazing right? 30 days with simplified nutrition eating REAL food, getting your daily Shakeology in with gives you optimal nutrition on the go with minimal prep work and your daily workout. #BOOM let's do this friends.

If this sounds like something you are interested in or you skipped the interested phase and are just 100% excited and 10/31 can't come soon enough reach me HERE and I will get you added to our private test group and help you get started!

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Monday, October 17, 2016

Faith and Sweat: The Awakening

I began my coaching journey after losing 40lbs with 21 Day Fix and Shakeology and feeling like a brand new me. I wanted to shout from the roof tops what I had learned and had a passion ignited in me to help as many people as I could. That's where our team was born! Dream Big Tribe grew and grew and together we were building a community of women who had a judgement free zone, a safe place they could check in daily to share their achievements and struggles, and anything else on their heart.

(Before I started making healthy changes/Me as a new Coach)

Then I hit a personal road block that felt like continued hurdles one after the next. Only a few months into my coaching journey I was hit on the freeway in an accident that literally rocked my world. Months of Physical Theraphy/Dr. Apts and a diagnosis of PTSD left me feeling a wave of emotions of  feeling defeated and determined to come out of this stronger than ever. A shorter version? I was in a glass case of emotions (yep I just made an Anchorman reference).

Anxiety, forgetfulness, feeling like Luna Lovegood with my mind jumping all over the place. I really struggled with focusing on one task and getting it done 100%. My workouts, my nutrition struggled as I attempted to put myself back to the person I was, the results I worked so hard for before the accident.

I'd get close, then something else would come up. Another hurdle, another obstacle. I'd find myself thinking "Why? What this now?" And feeling like a failure, a fraud of a coach because I couldn't get my self together.

Fast forward to present day, I want to tell you something that I realized. All this time I've spent trying to get BACK to the person I was pre-accident wasn't what I needed at all. Why do I say that?

Because I'm not that person anymore. And that's 100% ok.

God gives us events, seasons in our life to help mold us and shape us into the person He has planned for us to be. All these's hurdles, obstacles happening that have left me wondering "why?!" are examples of this. I needed to stop going backwards, to stop trying to be a person I wasn't any longer.

Taking a breath here for a second.. this is really hard to put out there.

While I've been going through these struggles being the scenes, on the outside I was trying to act like I was comfortable with who I was. I would share sprinkles of my anxiety, struggles, and did my best at the time to try to show the "whole" journey. But I was still afraid of what others would think, that I was coming across as a walking billboard for products and felt like I wasn't truly worthy enough to be a coach for other people when I couldn't get my own stuff together. In all honesty? The workout programs I've been doing these past almost 2 years, drinking my daily Shakeology has blessed my life in so many ways. I have more energy, my health is better for it and it's been a natural stress reliever for me. It's why I became a coach, because I truly believe Beachbody's products/programs are one of a kind and offer the ability to make this a lifestyle change and not a "quick fix, magic pill" that won't last. I also know that I'm not good to myself or others, if I'm not being authentically my self, the person God has designed me to be.

I've been pretty open with sharing that part of my journey with others. The part I haven't been sharing as much.. Me as a person. The Jesus loving, absent minded, anxiety filled, coffee drinking, arts and crafts addict, pumpkin fanatic, country living, mommy, wife, friend, daughter, sister, person.. that I am. I'm ready to embrace that and be that kinda coach, and stop trying to be the coach I used to be. Now more than ever I have a passion ignited in me to help others find peace, love, and confidence in their own skin. To be authentically you.

(Me now: No make up, post workout, Faith, Sweat and all. Ready embracing this new season)

That's where this new season has begun. 3 words that have been ringing in my ears for weeks now.

Faith and Sweat.

Typically when I come up with a new challenge group... new blog series... new coach training, etc.. I spend weeks and sometimes months behind the scenes building it up before I launch it.

I'm doing things differently this time. I'm going to be sharing with you from the very beginning.

What is Faith and Sweat?

Faith is crucial. Faith in God's timing, in His plan. Also, having faith in the process of making healthy lifestyle habits. Knowing that things take time, that this is a journey and not something that will happen over night. A daily choice to have faith in that journey and knowing that God is good all the time. Even when the season seems foggy or dreary.

"Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will be moved. Nothing will be impossible for you." Matthew 17:21

Sweat. I believe with all my heart that God gives us opportunities and gifts/life experiences to put to work, as tools to make things happen. You have big dreams? You have goals planted so deep in your heart that you want to make a reality? You gotta put in the sweat, the hard work to make it happen. It can be scary, sometimes it may feel like your feet are glued to the floor because you are afraid of failing. The truth? You will never truly fail with the Lord God on your side.

Have faith in the process, sweat your hearts hopes and dreams... Together, Faith and Sweat. Mountains will be moved.

Whether you have health and fitness goals you have started and stopped more times than you can count, have financial goals you want to reach, or whatever it is that's been planted in your heart to make a reality... I would love for you to join me from the beginning of this new project. This new season.

What will be a part of this project?

Honestly? I'm not 100% sure yet (see I told you this is starting from square one). There will Mon- Fri daily FB lives here: https://www.facebook.com/lifelightup/

There will be daily tips, and sharing my own personal journey as I dig into my own faith and sweat.

There will be blog posts.

There will be me here to encourage you, fellowship with you either in our Dream Big Tribe community and/or privately as your coach.

I'm done trying to be the coach I think I should be, and ready to be the coach/person that God has planned for me to be in this season of time.

Will you join me?

FB Live Access: www.FB.com/LifeLightUp
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Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Recipe: Salsa Chicken - Instant Pot Edition

What if I told you that you could make flavor full, Mexican restaurant style taco filling in 1 pot with 2 ingredients?

Would you try it?

How about if I told you it takes less than 20 mins to prepare?

Serves: 4

2 organic chicken breasts (thawed)
1 16oz jar of your favorite salsa (I used my favorite organic Salsa Verde)

I told you it was only 2 ingredients!

Place both thawed chicken breasts at the bottom of your Instant Pot. Pour the jar of salsa over it. Place lid on and seal. Set to Manual for 7 minutes and make sure the pressure release valve is turned to "sealed". Once finished let it sit in warm mode (aka Natural release) for 10 minutes. Release pressure and take a whiff.... Mmmmmm

You can use a spatula or tongs and shred the chicken. That's it! It's ready to serve. I typically will be prepping my toppings at the same time as it's cooking so it's ready to go when the timer is done. 

Here are a few things I prep:

- corn tortillas on my small cast iron skillet
- sliced avocado or guacamole
- shredded lettuce

I don't use a lot of toppings because really, there is SO much flavor with the chicken cooking in the salsa like that. I've cooked this with regular red salsa and salsa verde and I will tell you personally, the salsa verde version is my favorite. 

(container servings above: Note add 1 purple as well for the salsa)

 Want more recipes like this, meal prep tips and/or to get started with a fitness routine? I would LOVE to be your coach! You can reach out to me by going to my Facebook page by clicking the picture below....

Have a blessed day,

Fill out my online form.
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